Fresh Oil

  • Who’s Your Stronghold?

    Who’s Your Stronghold?

    The battle of Jericho, with the walls of the city coming down, is a great example of warfare led by the Spirit of God. We need to understand what the people understood at that time. When the walls of Jericho came falling down, how was it done? The people of Israel were worshipping before the

  • Are You Struggling to Hear God?

    Are You Struggling to Hear God?

    Many people in their worship time end up in the mindset of a struggling match with their wants, desires, worries and concerns. It becomes a time or battle in the mind with the flesh warring against the spiritual goals and desires to get closer to His presence. In the moment of this battle, if you

  • You Are Called to Be Different

    You Are Called to Be Different

    The church is like a prism that will take one bright light source and disperse it into a rainbow spectrum of different colors. There is a reason that, in the throne room of heaven, there is a rainbow over the throne of God: “God is light and in Him is no darkness at all” (1

  • What Is the Tabernacle of God?

    What Is the Tabernacle of God?

    What a powerful day in the presence of God! As we transitioned out of worship, I had a vision of folks being tired of raising hands and waiting on the Lord. Breaking news, Spirit-filled stories. Subscribe to Charisma on YouTube now! The message was that the Lord was waiting on us to respond to Him.

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