Fox News

  • Tucker Carlson: The Spiritual Realm is Coming to Life in America Today

    Tucker Carlson: The Spiritual Realm is Coming to Life in America Today

    Tucker Carlson is taking note of the spiritual realm working in America today. The media commentator and journalist has best been known for his unashamed conservative values. However, ever since leaving Fox News Carlson’s insight into the supernatural and faith has grown as he speaks out about it even more. Breaking News. Spirit-Filled Stories. Subscribe to Charisma

  • Morning Rundown: Forerunner Church Holds Final Service Amid IHOPKC Shuttering

    Morning Rundown: Forerunner Church Holds Final Service Amid IHOPKC Shuttering

    Here’s a quick rundown of the top stories on Forerunner Church Holds Final Service Amid IHOPKC Shuttering Forerunner Church celebrated its final church service on Pentecost Sunday before its closure. Forerunner Church is a branch of the International House of Prayer Kansas City (IHOPKC) ministry. After multiplying scandals surrounding ministry founder, Mike Bickle, IHOPKC

  • Fox News Returns to Pushing Witchcraft and ‘Rage Rituals’

    Fox News Returns to Pushing Witchcraft and ‘Rage Rituals’

    Third time’s the charm, and in this case, it’s the reason you should turn off Fox News in your home. The news corporation is being lambasted by Christians, for the third time this year, for platforming the new age and witchcraft during its primetime programming. Host Jesse Watters is starting to make a habit of

  • News Media Mainstreaming Adultery, Diminishing Marriage

    News Media Mainstreaming Adultery, Diminishing Marriage

    In a recent bewildering article, Fox News, which often prides itself on offering to the right side of the political spectrum faith-based content, has decided to publish an article extolling the virtues that adulterers hold fast to (just not marriage). Fox News did a deep dive into the world of Ashley Madison, a website for

  • Morning Rundown: 4 Biblical Roles of Dreams

    Morning Rundown: 4 Biblical Roles of Dreams

    Here’s a quick rundown of the top stories on 4 Biblical Roles of Dreams Do dreams serve a divine purpose? In a recent video, Vlad and Lana Savchuk gave key hallmarks of what dreams mean from a biblical standpoint. Here are the four biblical roles of dreams. Not all dreams speak the truth about

  • Fox News Slammed Again for Pushing Occult

    Fox News Slammed Again for Pushing Occult

    It seems for every news piece Fox News does on Christianity to appease their viewers, they then turn and bring practitioners of divination, sorcery and the occult onto their telecasts. Back in January, primetime host Jesse Watters suffered major blowback for bringing a medium onto his show to tell his future along with those of

  • ‘Harvard of Christian Schools’ Fires Back After Fox News Column Claims It Has Become ‘Woke’

    ‘Harvard of Christian Schools’ Fires Back After Fox News Column Claims It Has Become ‘Woke’

    Wheaton College—a private Christian school outside Chicago—is criticizing Fox News for running a column accusing the institution of abandoning its Christian bonafides in favor of becoming “woke.” The claims in the column are “incendiary,” Wheaton College President Philip Ryken said in a statement released Wednesday. Columnist Tim Scheiderer wrote in his article Wheaton has started

  • Ex-Psychic’s Message to Fox News: Stop Promoting the Occult

    Ex-Psychic’s Message to Fox News: Stop Promoting the Occult

    A former psychic who turned to Jesus Christ after repenting of occult practices has issued a warning about a recent Fox News segment featuring a tarot card reading. The ex-psychic, Jenn Nizza, expressed concern that the network may have inadvertently opened their viewers up to demonic activity by airing an act of divination during primetime.

  • Morning Rundown: IHOPKC Sees More Leadership Stepping Down

    Morning Rundown: IHOPKC Sees More Leadership Stepping Down

    Here’s a quick rundown of the top stories on IHOPKC Sees More Leadership Stepping Down Posting a new update in the ongoing investigation of inappropriate behavior and abuse surrounding founder Mike Bickle, the International House of Prayer Kansas City has announced David Sliker, President of IHOPU, is stepping down from his position. Sliker is

  • Fox News Promotes Occult Practice On Primetime Television

    Fox News Promotes Occult Practice On Primetime Television

    What does it say when the world’s largest “conservative” news network openly practices the occult during it’s primetime television slot? Well, it shows you the sad spiritual state that American conservatism is in. In a recent Fox News primetime show, host Jesse Watters invited a medium to predict former President Donald Trump’s chances for the

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