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Top of the Week: Prophetic Warning: You Can’t Drink the Cup of Demons and the Lord’s Too

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Charisma Media Staff

Following are snippets of the top stories posted on charismamag.com over the past week. We encourage you to visit the links to read the stories in full.

Prophetic Warning: You Can’t Drink the Cup of Demons and the Lord’s Too

Ok, I have to be honest: I love all kinds of entertainment and I am not an anti-guy when it comes to a lot of films, TV shows, books and video games that are sometimes on the fringe of what Christians think are OK.

But I did have a vision about horror movies that I have to talk about. The risk in talking about this is that some people are so religious in their attitude towards entertainment that they villainize everything or find a demon behind every door, that is not what today is about.

This is a word you need to share with your friends who love horror movies, horror video games (even if they are simple roblox players) and even horror novels. I had a vision that I hope you will tell your kids and your grandkids because something huge is coming. The enemy is opening a portal straight to the worst demonic manifestation that we have ever seen and it’s about to come through entertainment.

Franklin Graham: ‘Every Demon in Hell Has Been Turned Loose’

But now Franklin Graham has a somewhat dire warning to those who use these mediums to spread Good News.

“The storm is coming where we’re going to be off the radio and television and the internet,” Graham said.

Jonathan Cahn Releases 3 Prophetic Mysteries for Joe Biden

Breaking down the walls of political tribalism and disunity, Jonathan Cahn released a prophetic message to the President of the United States.

This is not the first time that Cahn has tried to issue a warning to the president about the current course his administration has set for America, in love, and beseeched the president to alter that course.

After President Joe Biden signed the so-called “Respect for Marriage Act” into law on Dec. 13, 2022, Cahn issued a prophetic warning of apostasy to America, and the president.

Deliverance Ministers: Witchcraft Exists in the Prophetic and the Apostolic Too

Don’t think there’s witchcraft in the church today? Then you might want to reconsider that position, say Pastors Mike Signorelli, Isaiah Saldivar and Alexander Pagani.

A traveling pastor who attends Lifesong Church in Stockton, California and whose ministry reaches between 6 to 8 million people per week, Saldivar says it’s definitely out there, and that “we have to call out heretical teachings and bad doctrine” that can lead people to hell.

In this video teaching, Saldivar, Pagani and Signorelli give a prophetic warning to the body of Christ in regard to unbiblical teachings happening not only within the church as a whole, but also within the charismatic movement. The three deliverance ministers navigate the complex intersection between spirituality, religion and occult practices and shed light on controversial topics such as the Third Eye, Astral Projection, false prophetic words and more.

10 Days of Pentecost 2023: Pray for a Fresh Holy Spirit Baptism at Pentecost   

“My understanding as a teenager was to ‘seek’ the Holy Spirit, and then the Holy Spirit would take over my mouth. At a youth camp, a pastor excitedly told me that the Holy Spirit was there and encouraged me to speak out. I did exactly that, and I received.” —Edwin Smith

Glory Carriers demonstrate the manifest presence of God with signs and wonders because they have cultivated over time an intimate friendship with the Spirit of God. Every friendship has a starting point, however, and I believe friendship with the Holy Spirit begins with the baptism in the Holy Spirit. We read in the Bible how this experience is necessary for us to walk in the power of the Spirit.

Holy Spirit Baptism in the Bible

Let’s look at two biblical promises: first, John the Baptist said, “I indeed baptize you with water to repentance, but He who is coming after me is mightier than I, whose shoes I am not worthy to carry. He will baptize you with the Holy Spirit and with fire” (Matt. 3:11). Later, Jesus said, “For John baptized with water, but you shall be baptized with the Holy Spirit not many days from now. … You shall receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on you” (Acts 1:5, 8a).

  To purchase Charisma founder and bestselling author Stephen E. Strang’s latest book, “Spirit-Led Living in an Upside-Down World,” go to SteveStrangBooks.com, or find it wherever fine books are sold, including online retailers such as Amazon.


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