Tue. Sep 17th, 2024

Why God Doesn’t Want Us to Fear the Unknown

God doesn't want fear of the unknown to paralyze us.

Fear is something that can paralyze even the bravest and strongest of individuals. It’s that displeasing feeling inside of you that causes one to sometimes doubt themselves or the wonderful opportunities that come your way, cause you to second-guess your capabilities, and silence you when you know that you should be speaking up. 

Whether it be the biblical story of Joshua, who prayed an audacious prayer for the sun to stand still amid the battle against the Amorites (Josh. 10:12), Moses parting the massive beauty of the Red Sea (Ex. 14:21), or Noah building the gigantic piece of artistic wonder known as the ark (Gen. 5-10); God constantly came in the clutch and took care of His people. There was no need to fear. There was no need to worry. He was there.

And although these magnificent experiences of God’s presence took place thousands of years ago, we must understand that the foundational truth of God’s support and assistance is still alive and true today. God isn’t just alongside you for this journey called life; He’s leading the front lines.

God has already been there.

The Lord, He goes before you. He will be with you. He will not fail you nor forsake you. Do not fear, nor be dismayed(Deut. 31:8, MEV).

The powerful truth found in Deuteronomy 31:8 is both assuring and comforting. We must realize that we have no need to worry about the present or future due to the reality that God, who is outside of time itself, has already been where we are going and will be in the future. He’s all-powerful, all-knowing and all-forgiving. God is the essence of time itself, aware of anything and everything that will take place in our lives.

When we put our lives in God’s hands, there is space for us to relax, knowing that He has everything under His control. This doesn’t mean that fear will be absent from our thoughts or that we are no longer allowed to fear, but instead that fear no longer needs to control the way we live, dream, speak and act. Fear sits under the colossal majesty of God.

Don’t fear the unknown, the future or the present. God has already been there, and He’s letting you know that he alone has got you immersed by his perfect, protective and all-consuming love. 

Jarrid Wilson is a husband to Juli, dad to Finch, pastor, author, blogger, founder of Cause Roast. He’s helping people live a better story. For the original article, visit jarridwilson.com.

For the original article, visit jarridwilson.com.

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