Messianic Rabbi: A Walk of Wisdom Leads to a Lifetime of Victory

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Shawn Akers

Some of us may be walking in situations in life where people are not receiving our witness, and it may not be just because of God’s glory not being manifest. It may be because we’ve been walking unwisely. If we haven’t been walking in wisdom, then we’re going to have a difficult time getting people to listen to us. Sometimes we keep casting our pearls before swine. This is unwise, and it doesn’t help. Messiah Yeshua said, “Do not give what is holy to dogs, and do not throw your pearls before swine, or they will trample them under their feet, and turn and tear you to pieces” (Matt. 7:6, NASB).

Also, if you believe you’ve been walking in stubbornness and pride, which has been keeping people from receiving your witness, I encourage you to repent right now. If your own behavior has been in the way of the glory of God being manifest in your relationship so that He can be proved to your sphere of influence, ask the Lord to forgive you, and then know that it’s done.

Right now I speak increase over you. I declare, in the name of Jesus, that you’re going to walk in wisdom from this point forward, and you’re going to walk in such a way that the people around you will have to take notice of the supernatural wisdom that’s on your life.

The Holy Spirit is our portion, and we can live in victory in this world, displaying God’s glory and supremacy to all those around us, even to those who don’t like us and reject us. I declare right now in the name of Jesus that by God’s Spirit you’re going to walk in a higher realm of supernatural glory than you’ve ever walked in before, proving to the world that the Lord is God, just as Elijah did.

Despite everything I’ve said, I want to make room for the fact that with the Lord a day is like a thousand years to us, and sometimes things are not made right immediately. That’s why Jesus said many who will be last will be first and many who will be first will be last. Sometimes God’s glory will not fall upon injustice and idolatry until the end of the age, but we should still pray for God’s glory to fall, for Him to destroy evil, and for Him to be exalted in and through our lives so people will recognize His goodness, glory and power in us.

That is why Jesus said the Father’s will for our lives is that people would see His goodness upon us and look up and give Him glory. It’s that we would be like lights on a hill. So I want to encourage you to keep praying even when injustice and mountains that need to be moved have not moved yet. One thing I know for sure is that God wants to prove Himself to you, whether your external reality is brought fully into balance right now or not. Because of God’s eternal perspective, we can’t guarantee when it will happen, but one thing we should believe and contend for is that we will know Yeshua’s victory in and through our lives and that we will walk in such power that our presence will penetrate people undeniably, even if they won’t admit it.

Jesus walked in this type of power. When the soldiers arrived to arrest Him and asked Yeshua if He was Jesus of Nazareth, Yeshua said, “I am,” and they all fell to the ground. (See John 18:1-6.) They still arrested Him, but the glory of God was undeniable. So I speak over you increase so that you will walk continually in an ever-increasing way in the resurrection, power and glory of God. Whether people recognize it or not, I pray that it will be real to you and that you will live in that glory and experience His victory.

Sometimes bad things happen to good people, but that doesn’t mean you will lose your victory in the process. If our victory is dependent on circumstances, we’ll never have victory.

Stephen was stoned to death with a smile on his face. Those around him said he looked like an angel. He saw Jesus as he was being stoned, and he experienced God’s glory in the process (Acts 7:54-60). Stephen’s circumstances didn’t determine whether he had victory. He had victory because he knew Yeshua, and Yeshua proved Himself to Stephen even in the midst of the chaos. I believe that as you earnestly seek God’s face first in your life, He will do the same for you. {eoa}

The preceding is an excerpt from Rabbi Kirt Schneider’s book The Key to Answered Prayer (Charisma House, 2022). For more information, or to order the book, visit

Rabbi Kirt A. Schneider is an international evangelist who serves as rabbi of Lion of Judah World Outreach Center. He is the host of the international television broadcast Discovering the Jewish Jesus ( and the author of The Book of Revelation Decoded, Self-Deliverance, Do Not Be Afraid, and Awakening to Messiah. He and his wife, Cynthia, live in Ohio.

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