Kenneth Copeland Says You Can Discover God’s Favor by Imitating This Daniel Trait

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Shawn Akers

In the Bible, Daniel lived an uncompromised life. He wouldn’t eat the things offered to him by the king, and he wouldn’t bow down and worship the king, despite a threat of being sent to the lion’s den.

That, Evangelist Kenneth Copeland says, is the key to discovering God’s favor in your life as a believer.

Daniel was told not to pray but he did it anyway because he knew that’s what God wanted him to do. No matter how he was threatened, Daniel would not give in.

“In the first chapter of Daniel,” Copeland says, “it reads, ‘Daniel purposed in his heart that he would not defile himself with the portion of the king’s meat nor with the wine which he drank. Therefore, he requested of the prince of the eunuchs that he might not defile himself. He purposed in his heart that he would not defile himself.’

“An excellent spirit was in him, and that excellent spirit was a never compromise spirit. Whatever God said, that was it; he wouldn’t compromise. He would change before God but he wouldn’t change before men. You may need to purpose in your heart right now that you’re not going to touch alcohol anymore … you may need to purpose in your heart that you’re not going to look at pornography, or that you’re not going to do this or that.

“The big thing here is that Daniel purposed in his heart that I’m not going to compromise this. I know from what my God has already taught, and that’s what I will do.” {eoa}

For the rest of this teaching from Kenneth Copeland, watch this video.

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