John Bevere: Reap Rewards by Using This Heavenly Language

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Shawn Akers

John Bevere says it took many years for him to learn the true meaning of the word “honor.” When God opened his eyes, the concept became a life-changer for the international evangelist and teacher.

Bevere says it isn’t always easy to walk in honor, especially when your views and values don’t jibe with those in authority. But whether or not you agree with them, you must learn to respect and honor them to reap blessings in your own life.

“Honor is the language of heaven,” Bevere told Dr. Steve Greene on a recent episode of Greenelines on the Charisma Podcast Network. “If you look at the word ‘honor,’ it means valuable, weighty and precious, such as gold. So, whenever you say ‘honor,’ you’re thinking about valuing something or someone. To dishonor means to treat as ordinary or common.

“Here’s a Scripture to confirm it, in John 17. Jesus prayed this prayer: ‘Father, show them that You love them as much as You love Me.’ God values every man as much as Jesus Christ. We need to transfer this reality into everyday life, into the marketplace, in our homes, in government, in media. Before, we might have treated someone as common or ordinary, but now we must realize how valuable that human being is, no matter what he or she looks like or acts like.

“That’s the core of honor. So now we have to demonstrate it. Honor can be displayed in action, in word and thought, and all honor originates from the heart. This is why God says, ‘My people honor Me with their lips but their hearts are far from Me.’

“Jesus is a prime example when He returned to Nazareth. His own people didn’t honor Him. They withheld honor, and they got a very small reward in heaven for it.”

For more about John Bevere and his thoughts about godly honor, listen to this podcast.

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