Fri. Sep 20th, 2024

Former Yoga Instructor: The Holy Spirit Showed Me How Christians Are Denying the Cross’ Power

If you have ever put yourself down or spoken poorly of yourself, author Mike Shreve says you are diminishing the significance of what Jesus did for you on the cross at Calvary. And that means you’re making the Holy Spirit a liar.

Shreve says believers must find out who God says they are and then boldly walk in that identity.

“In Hebrews 12, the Bible calls us ‘the general assembly’ and the ‘church of the firstborn’ in the sight of God,” Shreve told Dr. Steve on a recent episode of “Greenelines” on the Charisma Podcast Network. “And that means a church in which every member is considered to be a firstborn son in the sight of God.

“So, there are no big ‘I’s’ or no little ‘yous.’ Nobody is more important than you in God’s sight. You are one of His firstborn children. I would just encourage you to keep that mindset and realize you are important to the work of God. …

“I found out that, in the Bible, there are over 1,000 names and titles that belong to the children of God, like ‘the apple of God’s eye,’ ‘the anointed believers,’ ‘the children of the resurrection.’ When you see all of those God-given names, you get this full, panoramic view of who God says you are, and it just lifts you up to the next level of destiny and purpose. You’re not grasping and struggling, trying to be something that you’re unsure of. When you discover who you are, it’s powerful.”

Shreve goes on to emphasize the need not just of knowing Jesus’ names, but of knowing how He sees us.

“I felt an unmistakable, penetrating word from the Holy Spirit,” Shreve says. “He told me it would be just as important for us to know our God-given names, as sons and daughters of God, [as it would be to know] His names and titles.”

For more about how to find your identity in Christ, listen to this podcast. {eoa}

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