4 Ways Followers of Jesus Overcome Doubt

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Samantha Carpenter

Doubt can drown you. Doubt can also be drowned by you. Great men of faith like Abraham, Zachariah, Philip, Peter and Thomas had moments of doubt in their walks of faith. At times, doubt occurs when what we expect is not happening and what we shouldn’t be expecting is.

Doubt is not unbelief, but it can lead to unbelief.

It’s important to know the difference between doubt and unbelief. Doubt is not unbelief, but it can lead to unbelief.

Here is the difference between doubt and unbelief:

— Doubt says, “I can’t believe it. I need more proof.” Unbelief says: “I wouldn’t believe it, despite the evidence.”

— Doubt is honest. Unbelief is stubborn.

— Doubt looks for the light. Unbelief is content with darkness.

Jesus helps doubters, but He cannot tolerate unbelief. To overcome doubt, keep this in mind:

1. Don’t miss out on community. Doubt feeds on isolation. Thomas, Jesus’ disciple, missed the meeting with the disciples, and his doubts started. Stay close to others. Don’t live in isolation.

2. Remember what God has done. We tend to focus on what is not happening during doubting times. Remember your past victories over the lion and the bear to fuel your confidence against the present problem—Goliath.

3. Remember how much Jesus loves you. Jesus showed Thomas the marks that his sin left on Jesus, and all the doubt that Thomas had vanished. God said in Isaiah 49:14-16 that He has inscribed us on His hands, therefore He will never forget us.

4. Call on Jesus in the midst of your doubt. Peter, drowning in his doubt at sea, called on Jesus. John the Baptist, when doubting, asked Jesus for help.

God does not mind if we doubt, as long as we look for answers from Him.

Check out the full podcast episode of Raised to Deliver on Charisma Podcast Network called How to Overcome Doubt for more on this important topic. {eoa}

Vladimir Savchuk is the lead pastor of Hungry Generation Church and author of Break Free, Single, Ready to Mingle and Fight Back. He is also a founder of a virtual online school. To download free e-books, sermon series and small group study guides go to vladimirsavchuk.com.

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