Sat. Oct 5th, 2024

How You Can Defeat the Giant of Fear and Negativity

You must slay the giants of fear and negativity in your life.

David’s victory over Goliath took force. The soldiers and even King Saul had fear flowing so strongly around them that it kept them frozen in place. They sincerely wanted to defeat Goliath and the Philistines but failed to engage in the battle.

King Saul desperately needed this win for his own political career and personal psyche. He had the internal motivation, but it just wasn’t enough to overcome the flow of fear. The soldiers wanted the win because that’s what they’d signed up for—to advance their nation and overcome oppressive forces—but the experience or flow of fear around them was just too much.

You may be just like that. On a scale from 1 to 5, your deepest desire at a level 5 is to stand strong against the negative flows against your life. As a man seeking to live close to God in this culture, there are many things that push against your life. Yet, you know from your own experiences that scoring a 5 on the “want to” scale doesn’t always produce your desired outcome. Sure, a strong desire is a must and sincerity is critical, but there’s more to the equation of dropping a giant in his tracks than just “want to.”

All of those present on the hillside the day David brought down Goliath had the same emotional experiences that David was having. David could feel what was taking place in the atmosphere.

Like it was for David, so it is for you today. A constant flow of experiences is taking place around you and not all of those are positive, life giving, or feel-good. Yet even negative experiences contain positive and godly possibilities.

The flow of fear or negative intimidation may be very real and present, but rather than passively backing away from those moments, we can simply muster our courage by remembering David’s story. David knew that no matter the circumstances or negative forces aligned against him that only one thing mattered—God was on his side.

Don’t make the wrong assumption that when circumstances are negative and fear is creeping in that God has abandoned you. Fear and discouragement is always based on wrong assumptions. Instead, stand strong in the truth that God will never leave you or forsake you (Deuteronomy 31:6).

Real giants are between you and the adventures God has destined for your life. The threats around you are real and the flows of negativity may be very strong, but passivity is not the answer.

A passive response in a negative situation breeds more negativity! But the proper application of force during a negative experience is the very place victories start.

How You Can Defeat the Giant of Fear and Negativity

  • Know that negative experiences flow against your life and are normal.
  • Bad situations are not a sign God is mad at you.
  • Giants that threaten your spiritual life are an invitation to deepen your dependence upon God.
  • David was both a warrior and a worshipper. In times of battle take the time to worship God and thank Him for victory.

Don’t waste time trying to change the flow of negativity. Instead, FACE IT and know that God promises to be with you!

Passivity is not the answer. It won’t help to pretend Goliath is not right in front of you if you can smell his breath.

Use the proper application of force and face giants head on, coming against them in the name of the Lord.

Since 2006, Mike and Darla Rakes have served as lead pastors at Winston-Salem First in North Carolina. Mike has deep concerns about the spiritual health of the U.S. church and is committed to mobilizing faith communities for God and the good of humanity. His deepest calling is to bring renewal to the Pentecostal church and empower men and the next generation.

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