Fri. Sep 20th, 2024

3 Things You Must Activate in Your Life

Man character

Ever wonder what’s most important to God when it comes to your character? The following are very critical to your character development.

1. Your Thoughts

“As a man thinks in his heart, so is he.” —Solomon 

The battlefield is in your mind. Your thoughts are powerful. In fact, God can do nothing in you beyond your belief system. Everything is possible for the man who believes.

We often establish fences that keep us out of areas of the unknown. For example, science in the past said that man was incapable of breaking the 4-minute mile. That was until May 6, 1954, when Roger Bannister ran a mile in 3 minutes, 59.4 seconds. Today, thousands run under the 4-minute barrier. One man broke the barrier of a universally held belief system.

Two very important questions that you should consider:

  • What are you doing today that you once thought was impossible?
  • What are you not doing today because you think it is impossible?

2. Your Words

“From the fruit of his lips a man enjoys good things.” —Solomon

Men love to talk about the things they are passionate about. Yet very few men understand the gravity of their words. Your words have power. Your words reveal your secrets. If you don’t understand this powerful truth, consider the impact of the words that you speak to your wife and children. Your words literally mold them into what you say over them.

Two very important questions that you should consider:

  • What words do I exclude from my vocabulary?
  • What words will I include in my vocabulary?

3. Your Relationships

“The man who walks with wise men becomes wise himself.” —Solomon

Relationships are about proximity. You should know who is in your “success zone.” What books are you currently reading? What television shows are you entertained by? What conversations are you involved in? What jokes do you listen to?

I’m a private person, yet I have very transparent conversations. Those with whom I dialogue know that I am very open to discuss matters but that I am also very selective in what I will say. I’ve learned that proximity governs most of my life.

I was speaking with a man concerning the unfaithfulness of a mutual friend. I said, “I don’t understand how a man allows the proximity of a woman to enter his life for him to cross the line for adultery.” Somehow, the man opened his life for the relationship.

Two very important questions that you should consider:

  • Who is currently in my life that I should avoid?
  • Who is not in my life that I should invite?

FivestarMan was founded in 2008 by Neil KennedyKennedy has passionately promoted God’s Word for 25-plus years of ministry. He is known for practically applying biblical principles that elevate people to a new level of living. As a business, church, ministry and life consultant, Kennedy has helped others strategize the necessary steps to reach their full potential.

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