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Joseph: The Provider

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Linda Sommers

Luke 23:44-24:12 This passage tells about Joseph of Arimathea, who provided the sepulchre for Jesus’ burial place. Luke describes Joseph of Arimathea as a counselor, a good and just man. He also had refused to condemn Jesus. The name Joseph in Hebrew means “provider.”

My husband had a precious experience when he went to be alone for a day at Stone Mountain. He felt it was time to seek the Lord about some things and he just wanted to be alone in the presence of the Lord. As he was praying, he heard the Lord say, “I call you Joseph.” It was not an audible voice, but Tom heard it with his spiritual ears. When he came home and shared this experience with me, I began to do research on the name Joseph in the Bible and discovered that all the Josephs mentioned were providers.

There are three Josephs mentioned in the Word of God: Joseph, the son of Israel who was sold into slavery, went ahead of his brothers to Egypt and was able to provide food during famine not only for his brothers, but also for all of Egypt. Joseph, the guardian father of Jesus, provided a safe childhood, family and home for Jesus. Joseph of Arimathea provided the burial place for Jesus.

God has a special name for each one of His children. If we miss finding out what this name is on earth, we will know it in heaven. We learn in Revelation that those who overcome will be given a white stone, and on the stone will be written a name (Rev. 2:17). The Lord knows each one of us personally, and it is His joy to give a special name to each of His children. My husband truly is a “Joseph” because his motivational gift is “giving.” I joke with people and tell them my motivational gift is spending, so we make a good team. Whatever name Jesus has chosen for you, I am sure it will reveal your special calling here on earth. I know one name He has chosen for each of us, and that is “Precious.”

Lord, it is so wonderful to know You love me so much and Your delight is to give me a new name. Names are so important to You, but more important to You are the people who bear those names. I’m so glad to be called by Your name (a Christian and a child of God).

READ: Judges 8:17-9:21; Luke 23:44-24:12; Psalm 99:1-9; Proverbs 14:9-10

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