How to Resist Compromise

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Sandra Clifton, D. Min.

We are surrounded by cultural pressures on a daily basis, urging us to “water down” what we believe and to compromise our very practices of the Christian faith. The story of Daniel is a powerful example of how to maintain your integrity in the midst of cultural forces that would pull you away from your faith.

READ: Dan. 2:19-23; Dan. 3:13-18; Dan. 21-30; Dan. 4:27; Dan. 4:34-37; Matt. 5:14-16.
HEART ISSUE: Are there pressures seeking to draw you away from your faith? What are you doing to keep walking your walk in Christ?
PRAYER FOCUS: Father, I thank You that despite temptation, I can stand tall and strong in my faith. Thank You for the guidance of Your Word and Your Spirit every day. Amen.

(Part 2)

It is not always easy to speak up for your faith in Christ, especially when you are among those who do not want to hear about Him! Be on alert to anything that could distract you in your walk with Christ. Also, pay attention when your children or other family members are allowing unhealthy influences to lure them away from their relationships with the Lord.

READ: Dan. 5; Dan. 6:10-24; Dan. 11; Prov. 29:25; 1 Cor. 16:13-14; Gal. 5:1-6.
HEART ISSUE: Take a stand for Christ and be a model of Him for your family. You can do this.
PRAYER FOCUS: Father, thank You for keeping me on alert for influences and beliefs of culture that might work against my walk with You. Keep me focused on You, Lord. Keep me strong and more determined than ever not to give in to the snare of fearing man more than fearing God. Amen.

Read a companion article.


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