Heal Us with Your Power

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Sandra Clifton, D. Min.

(PART 1)

We read about God healing many people in the Bible, but we forget that God still heals today! His Word proclaims and reveals this valuable truth.

READ: Heb. 13:8; Mark 16:17-18; Jer. 33:3; Matt. 9:20-22; Matt. 21:21-22; John 14:12.

HEART ISSUE: Read and meditate on the miracles recounted in the Gospels. Seek God for faith to believe He still heals today.
PRAYER FOCUS: Father God, I express faith for my health and healing and for the health and healing of my loved ones and friends. Because Jesus in the same yesterday, today and forever, I am confident that He is healing us. In His precious and powerful name, Amen.
(PART 2)

Often when in need of a healing miracle, we lose sight of the “Miracle Maker”—God Almighty! But in His Word, we will find accounts of healing miracles, but learn how to experience His healing presence daily.

READ: John 10:10; Acts 9:34; Rom. 8:26-29; 1 Cor. 14:15; 2 Cor. 2:10-11; Eph. 4:26-27.
HEART ISSUE: Continue to focus on as many Scriptures as you can find that speak of healing. Write them down and pray them over any health concerns you have. They will restore and build your faith.
PRAYER FOCUS: Father God, I thank You for strengthening my faith in Jesus, my Healer. I thank You, that as I get into Your Word, I will discover the abundant life in Christ that will bring health and life to my spirit and to my very bones. I thank You that it is never too late to believe in You for my health, healing and for blessings. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

Read a companion article.


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