Do You Have This Kind of Game-Changing Belief?

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Josephine M. Ayers

Genesis 15:6 (AMP) says, “Then Abram believed in (affirmed, trusted in, relied on, remained steadfast to) the Lord; and He counted (credited) it to him as righteousness (doing right in regard to God and man).”

Righteousness is also defined as being in right standing with God.

Nelson’s Bible Dictionary defines faith as a belief in or confident attitude toward God, involving commitment to his will for one’s life. Nelson also says belief is to place one’s trust in God’s truth. A person who believes is one who takes God at his word and trusts in him for salvation.

Additionally, one of Webster‘s definitions of believe is having a wholehearted persuasion!

We are in challenging times! I should be worried, fearful and maybe even upset. Instead, I am embracing joy, peace and happiness. Does that make sense naturally? Nope!

I have considered the reason for my current state of mind in the midst of chaos. Am I in denial? Do I not like confrontation? Do I like what is happening around me? None of these explanations are true.

The reason for the calmness resounding in my spirit is that I believe God! I believe all of what the Lord has told me in my spirit, but most importantly, I believe what is written in His Word. I have a reliable running track record with Him.

Do Believers Really Believe?

One of the many terms used to describe Christians is “believers.” However, this term means different things to different people. Some may just believe in the basic tenets of Christianity, like the Trinity, Resurrection and virgin birth, for example. However, I am referring to those who hold “a wholehearted persuasion” that every single word in the Bible is truth.

Sadly, not all people who call themselves believers live with this unwavering confidence in God’s Word. Those who want to be game changers who impact our world in a way that causes a major shift need to believe every word and every promise to activate their faith in the miraculous.

John 14:12 records the words of Jesus to His disciples: “I assure you and most solemnly say to you, anyone who believes in Me [as Savior] will also do the things that I do; and he will do even greater things than these [in extent and outreach], because I am going to the Father.”

Believers must truly believe what is written, the very words of Jesus Himself, in order to accomplish this. Their belief must be a steadfast and immovable belief, especially in the face of adversity! This wholehearted persuasion is the rock we need to stand on!

Ask yourself: If I don’t believe the written Word of God—and John states in the first chapter of his Gospel that Jesus is the Word—why do I even read the Bible or carry one?

This question hit home for me. If you don’t believe His word 100%, why don’t you? That is a conversation worth having with Him.

I listen to the Word of God electronically as I exercise on my recumbent bicycle, and it is like hearing His voice, with His Word going forth … penetrating my heart and the atmosphere, around me.

Recently, I felt a need to declare to God aloud: “I believe!”

And I meant that completely. I didn’t just mean that I believed the basic tenets of Christianity, but I believe every single word written in His Bible and what He has spoken to my spirit.

A Faithful Foundation

The Lord has laid this foundation with me over many years of seeing His faithfulness, goodness, provision and miracles in my life. Because of this, in the seeming chaos of our world in the natural realm, when it looks as though God is far away, I realize that God has not changed and won’t change, and I can expect the same going forward. It is not God’s M.O. (modus operandi) to perform detailed miracles in our lives and then toss us into the ocean. What a comfort this truth has been to me!

There are no what ifs or buts in my conversation. Hebrews 11:6 says without faith it is impossible to please God. I know that as long as I stay tucked in His secret place (the intimate knowledge of His love), and just believe as a child, I will be fine. If I believe, it will be counted to me as righteousness.

I exhort all to not only read and believe His Word and promises, but I urge you to also take the time to hear His rhema (voice to your spirit) and believe it. You never know when the Spirit may call to remembrance a timely word.

My husband and I went to a conference one time in Colorado. At the end of the conference, one of the speakers told a story that has impacted me since. It goes like this:

A man who worked in a factory in Ireland (when there was religious discord there) heard an announcement that there was a bomb threat, and everyone was ordered to go outside. The Holy Spirit spoke to His spirit and commanded him to “go down to the cafeteria and eat lunch.” He heard it again and again. It certainly ran counter to what the company leadership said. This man knew His master’s voice, and he did so, against all rationality. The bomb went off in the street!

We are approaching a time and place where we not only have to believe what is in His Word, but know His voice, having the Word of God firmly planted in our hearts. We may need it, at any given time, when there are no other resources to pull from.

I remember when God moved us to California for ministry just shortly after we married. We did it, with just $5,000 and no jobs, and all He said happened. There were many times when it was God who took care of us completely, as we were sojourners in this strange land across the country. It reminds me of His faithfulness to Abraham!

This steadfast and immovable stance with God has opened up favor and blessings in ways I cannot fully describe. The more I believe, the more He accomplishes for me now, without me even asking. This helps me stay focused on what He actually wants me involved in! This belief is something we need to cultivate, especially now!

Do you believe—really believe—God on that level? Can you put feet to your faith even in the absence of natural manifestations of what you’re trusting God to do?

If not, ask the Lord to open the eyes of your understanding about what’s holding you back and how you can take that step to believe, even in the darkest hour, without tangible evidence! He meets us where we need, and He releases grace on us to do what needs to be done! His promises are real; He will never leave or forsake us.

For more on this topic of game-changing, biblical belief, listen to this episode, Do You Really Believe, on Charisma Podcast Network now. {eoa}

Josephine Marie Ayers is the founder and president of Flames of Fire Ministries Inc. She is a wife, mother and grandmother, as well as a worshipper, author, conference speaker, prophet, teacher and evangelist. You can find her books Kingdom Keys to Save Our Nation and Women Living With Broken Men at her online store here. Josephine also hosts the Game Changers for God podcast on Charisma Podcast Network. To connect with her, email [email protected].

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