Josephine M. Ayers

  • The Josephs Are Coming!!!

    The Josephs Are Coming!!!

    The Lord has been burning this in my heart for several days. He gave me a picture of many people who have been in different types of prisons: financial, relational, occupational, emotional, physical and the like. These people have spent years and years in their prisons, and one would think this would be their normal

  • A Time for Re-Firing the Coming Elijahs!

    A Time for Re-Firing the Coming Elijahs!

    Believers can learn a lot by considering 1 Kings 19:1-9: For the last few years, it seems as though I have been running at a pace with God I never have before. Now, mind you, this is a good thing, because this has not just been in ministry but in my personal life as well.

  • The Lord Says It’s Time to Push

    The Lord Says It’s Time to Push

    Things have been extremely challenging for a number of leaders. There have been difficult situations in physical, financial and relational areas of life. These challenges hold the potential to stir discouragement, weariness and hopelessness. In some instances, the pain is excruciating and debilitating. Those I’ve encountered in this place of hardship have one thing in

  • God’s Equation for Resurrection Power

    God’s Equation for Resurrection Power

    I believe we are at a point in time where we will see John 14:12 ignite within our lives: “Truly, truly I say to you, he who believes in Me will do the works that I do also. And he will do greater works than these, because I am going to My Father.” It is

  • The Lord Is Anointing His Spiritual Firecrackers

    The Lord Is Anointing His Spiritual Firecrackers

    I heard the Lord say, “I am anointing my people to be spiritual firecrackers.” I felt this was not just an anointing but a mantle He is placing on His forerunners. Firecrackers are not just loud; they are beautiful. People are drawn to them, and they bring light to the darkness. He is doing this

  • God Says, ‘Keep Going, Even If You Have to Crawl’

    God Says, ‘Keep Going, Even If You Have to Crawl’

    I was at a prayer meeting yesterday, and there was conversation about a friend’s 10-month-old grandson trying to reach an object in front of him. This babe was crawling toward the object, and his dad kept moving it further away as he moved toward it. It got to a point the child was getting irritated

  • Fractured by the Fall, Mended by the Cross

    Fractured by the Fall, Mended by the Cross

    Merriam Webster defines “fracture” this way: “the result of fracturing: break; the act or process of breaking or the state of being broken.” Synonyms for the word include: break, break up, bust, disintegrate, dismember, disrupt and fragment. Doesn’t this describe what has happened in our world today? From the beginning, when man and woman fell

  • Game Changers for God: Uncompromising Truth Seekers and Truth Tellers

    Game Changers for God: Uncompromising Truth Seekers and Truth Tellers

    What Is Truth? According to Webster’s Dictionary, truth is “(1) the body of real things, events, and facts; (2) the state of being the case; (3) often capitalized: a transcendent fundamental or spiritual reality. It can also mean “a judgment, proposition, or idea that is true or accepted as true; the body of true statements

  • Do You Have This Kind of Game-Changing Belief?

    Do You Have This Kind of Game-Changing Belief?

    Genesis 15:6 (AMP) says, “Then Abram believed in (affirmed, trusted in, relied on, remained steadfast to) the Lord; and He counted (credited) it to him as righteousness (doing right in regard to God and man).” Righteousness is also defined as being in right standing with God. Nelson’s Bible Dictionary defines faith as a belief in

  • Unlock This Spirit-Filled Truth to Fuel Your Faith

    Unlock This Spirit-Filled Truth to Fuel Your Faith

    I was sitting in church one day, and a sister came over to me and asked how I was. Considering I am moving through what seems to be an endless trial, I said to her, “The story is still being written.” Her response to me was, “Seems like the theme for this season, for many

  • How God Is Sounding a Trumpet Call for Holiness for His People

    How God Is Sounding a Trumpet Call for Holiness for His People

    I learned a great lesson from an Aglow prison ministry leader whom I had years ago. She said, “Protect the anointing at all cost.” Her words indicated that sin was the biggest issue with man, and that the way to protect the anointing was to avoid sin when it knocks at your door. She encouraged

  • Prophetic Word: Upgrades Are on the Way, But Not Before Demolition

    Prophetic Word: Upgrades Are on the Way, But Not Before Demolition

    I was at lunch recently with a sister who has been through an incredibly hard year. I cannot even describe all she and her husband have been through, in almost every area of their lives. Some things just bizarre, and occurring in a seemingly relentless and often simultaneous manner. But as I was sharing with

  • Prophecy: God Is Weeping Over Our Spiritual Condition

    Prophecy: God Is Weeping Over Our Spiritual Condition

    Recently, I ventured out for a daily prayer walk in a fine mist rain. At the end of that walk, I heard in my spirit, these are God’s tears. I sensed that the waters we see and the volume of rains covering many places these days are indicative of the sorrow God is experiencing over

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