Can You Survive a Financial Meltdown?

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Sandra Clifton, D. Min.

What if the bottom were to drop out from under you today—and you came face to face with a financial crisis? Would you know what to do or how to handle matters? If you are facing such difficulties, challenge yourself this week to give more time, energy and thought to how much the Lord is your strength and your shield, rather than to how bad things appear to be. If your life is in His hands, then nothing is out of control—not even your finances.

READ: Ps. 91:1-6; Ps. 23:4; Is. 26:3-4; Matt. 6:25-34; Matt. 11:28-30; 2 Tim. 1:7.
HEART ISSUE: Make a fresh covenant with God Almighty this week, and let Him guide you in the peace and confidence of His presence, giving you the victory over these temporary financial struggles.
PRAYER FOCUS: Father, I thank You that regardless of how my finances presently appear, they are never out of control, nor are they stuck in an endless rut. As my life is firmly in Your hands, so are my finances! And I give them to You today, Father. I will walk free from fear, doubt and worry, as I become a good steward of my finances. I claim this day, in Jesus’ name, that I will prosper and manage my money wisely—all for His glory! Amen.

Read a companion article.

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