What Is the Point of Revival?

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Rachel Sammons

Revival is not a buzzword or a cliché. It’s reality. In his book It’s Happening (April 17, 2018) William McDowell pinpoints what revival is, why we should desire it and how it is happening now. Drawing on his experiences as pastor of Deeper Fellowship Church in Orlando, Florida, McDowell shares the salvations, healings and encounters with God within his own church sanctuary. It’s Happening shows how revival awakens the church to the reality, presence and power of God.

When the American church talks about miraculous moves of God, it points to encounters taking place in South America, West Africa and Western Europe. However, what many don’t understand is that revival can happen anywhere. At Deeper Fellowship Church, congregants are passionately pursuing God, witnessing miracles and experiencing the tangible presence of God.

“Deeper Fellowship has been experiencing a tremendous move of God for more than a year. We have documented more than 150 miracles of physical healing in addition to deliverance, supernatural breakthrough and salvation. We’ve begun to grow quite a collection at our altar of unusable crutches, wheelchairs and other medical devices because people are being healed,” McDowell says.

The church has never scheduled a healing service or any sort of revival-focused service. McDowell stresses the importance of submitting to the flow of what God is doing, especially in a society that longs to be in control of everything.

“It’s so easy to try to control God or micromanage what we think He can do down to the smallest detail. Across the country, in almost every church in America, we’ve become really good at attempting to manage the flow of God. … [God] cannot be controlled. … The whole point of a revival is for the church to be awakened to the reality, presence and power of God and for our hearts to be turned to Him,” McDowell says.

It’s Happening encourages readers to open their hearts to what God is doing in this season of revival. {eoa}

About William McDowell: William McDowell is a gifted teacher and world-renowned worship leader who has traveled to more than 40 nations. He also pastors Deeper Fellowship Church in Orlando, Florida. McDowell believes the greatest privilege in ministry, apart from ministering to his family, is serving in the local church. He passionately pursues the mission of Deeper Fellowship Church, which is to cultivate a deeper fellowship with God and one another. McDowell and his wife, LaTae, have four children: Joshua, Olivia, Caleb and Joy.

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