Sun. Sep 15th, 2024

3 Keys to Personal Revival

woman worshipping

Three keys to personal revival:

1.) Live in a place of repentance: Repentance is not just for the unbeliever. I actually think it’s just the opposite. To understand repentance you have to understand the original Greek word for repentance which is metenoia. This word literally means to change the way you think.

When John came preaching a message of repentance he was preaching a message of a mindset change. I grew up always being taught that repenting meant that you changed the direction you are going and begin to walk in a new direction. However, if you change the way your going without a mindset change, you will eventually revert right back to the way you were before because you didn’t have the new mind to carry you to your destination.

 I have found that repentance is a necessary part of my personal revival. As I am growing in God there are always new mindsets He is wanting me to walk in as I am growing in Him.

“Therefore repent and be converted, that your sins may be wiped away, that times of refreshing may come from the presence of the Lord” (Acts 3:19).

In this Scripture we see repentance as a key element in walking in times of refreshing, which is speaking of personal revival. I love how it says times and not a time. Times here is plural meaning more than once. The greater the level of repentance or willingness to confront a wrong mindset in yourself, the greater the personal revival or time of refreshing.

2.) Radical Obedience: Radical obedience is such an important key in walking in personal revival. The story of Jonah is one story that comes to mind on how important it is to walk in obedience. When you do, the fruit can be astonishing. After Jonah disobeyed God and ran from his call to preach to Nineveh and finally surrendered and went; in just one day there was one of the most significant revivals in all of history.

In just one day of Jonah preaching, the king repented and so did all the people of the city. They called a fast, and because of this God turned away His wrath on that disobedient city. This story is amazing! One man’s obedience was an entire city’s deliverance. Never underestimate the call of God on you to perform a task, no matter how small you may think it is.

This passage gives me hope for America. I am asking God to raise up radical revivalists all over America that would begin to sound the alarm and awaken the sleeping church. What America needs more than anything is men and women who would obey the voice of God no matter the cost.

I am praying for 10,000 radical revivalists to sweep across our nation preaching, “Repent, for the kingdom of God is at hand!” You could be one of these revivalists, but obedience must be an action that you do not flee from but rather embrace.

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