Thu. Feb 13th, 2025

Prophecy: The Lord Says, ‘You Must Come Back to a Heart of Worship Now’

“Now is the time to come back to the heart of worship. Right now. Get up from the mourners’ bench. Come away from the wailing wall. For too many, it has become like a religious flagellation of the flesh and whimpering of the soul.

“Religion does not save and remediate the soul; I do. Rise up now, I say to you. Do I not forgive when you ask? Did I not bleed and die and rise again to save you? The moment is shifting to warfare in worship. Now come and build an altar of worship.

“For the enemy has convinced you that it is over, finished and victory is lost, but I say I am the Lord in whom is the victory forever and ever. Rise up. Set your eyes upon me. See me high and lifted up, and allow my Spirit to fill your mouths with praise. Say what is true of me. Allow the Spirit to cleanse your palate and restore your ability to taste and see that I am good. Let your tongue begin to form again the words of your testimony, for the word of your testimony is part of the threefold cord that overcomes the enemy in your life.

“The tongue is like a rudder. As you speak in agreement with the enemy of your soul, your life is sent into the darkness. As you speak in agreement with my Spirit, your life comes into the light. The tongue speaks what is in the heart. Set your heart on me, your savior, your friend, your King and your God. Remember who I AM, and come back to the heart of worship.”

What does the heart of worship look like? In Luke 7:36-50, the woman knew she was a sinner by her deeds. The Pharisee thought he was a saint by his works. The woman, so grateful for her salvation, came to honor and worship Jesus.

The Pharisee did not. He had nothing to be thankful for; he had done it all himself. The woman saw her Savior, and Jesus saw His child. The Pharisee was blinded by his religious spirit. He did not know he was in the presence of God.

A heart full of gratitude for all Jesus is and has done leads us to worship. It gives us sensitivity to the presence of God and opens our eyes to see Him as He truly is. Almighty God, prince of peace, everlasting Father, King of kings, Lord of lords, Savior, redeemer, healer and friend.

Come. Let us worship him in Spirit and in truth. Has he not accomplished all? Has he not saved us? Is He not worthy of worship? He is. Yesterday, today and forever.

For more prophetic insights from Dr. Kim, listen to her podcast series Finding Courage in Trouble Times and Thankful Through it All with Special Guest Adam Knapp on Move Forward with Dr. Kim Maas the Charisma Podcast Network. For more resources visit {eoa}

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