Wed. Sep 18th, 2024

Chuck Pierce: The Power You Must Exercise in the Midst of Evil

Viruses and sickness are evil! But God!

His Word promises that “all things work together for good to those who love God, to those who are the called according to His purpose” (Rom. 8:28). Those who love Him are having their lives and purposes developed within them even in the midst of evil.

We have to understand that we live in a fallen world. Man creates many iniquitous pits that we can fall into. But God always has a plan—plan A, plan B, plan C or plan D—He never runs out of plans of redemption because of His love for mankind! If we listen, the Spirit of God will maneuver us through the time in which we live. He speaks to us and gives us wisdom and revelation. And He says, “If you’ll do this one thing, I will respond to you! This hardship is hard but not complicated. All you have to do is listen and obey, and I’ll walk you through this.”

The Lord is rearranging how we see disease and sickness. I consider that we have done things that have allowed disease to enter our atmospheres. Yes, the Lord died for mankind and broke the headship of the evil adversary in the earth realm. However, He left man to enforce what He had shed His blood for. Passover should be a daily celebration in our lives, but we don’t always enforce what the Lord wants us to enforce.

I think God always has plans for us, for our betterment. However, we must exercise the same power that resurrected Him from the dead over death, hell and the grave! If we don’t enforce what He would have us enforce in the earth realm, the whole earth suffers. Lands are crying for healing!

However, there is a new move of God in His people in this hour! They are like a river of glory fire—liquid gold flowing throughout lands. They resemble fiery lava moving from state to state, province to province and nation to nation throughout the earth. These glory warriors will destroy the works of the enemy in days ahead. Over the next several years—through this Passover decade—we will mature into a people who do exploits and are ready to go to war against any darkness attempting to bring destruction to our Lord’s kingdom plan.

These people are ones who know how to triumph. To triumph is to obtain victory, or a state of being victorious in conquest. Triumph carries a distinct emotion for God’s children. In triumph, one expresses joy or exultation because he or she has prospered, succeeded and flourished. To triumph means to celebrate and rejoice with victory and jubilation. Triumph indicates that an advantage has been gained over the enemy. Triumph also conveys that success has been granted through a supernatural grace being released.

God has a people who must keep moving in the earth. Movement is linked with life! If we stop moving, we stagnate or routinize.

If there is one thing I have seen happen from season to season, it is that the church stagnates. Sometimes this is because we fall into apathy; however, most times we stagnate because we enjoy getting comfortable in one season and resist change.

We must be a people who are willing to war for our future. When we do, we will cross over into the new season God has for us. {eoa}

Adpated from Chapter 7 of The Passover Prophecies by Chuck Pierce: Contending for a New Identity and Freedom (Charisma House 2020).

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