Fri. Sep 6th, 2024

Aug. 4 marks the new moon, which begins the 40-day Jewish season of repentance known as Teshuvah and brings with it a reminder of the Great American Eclipse on Teshuvah, Aug. 21, 2017.

During Teshuvah, believers would examine their lives and repent of their sins. After repentance, believers would return to the presence of God, the literal meaning of Teshuvah. Failing to repent would lead to judgment on the Day of Atonement at the end of Teshuvah.

Coming as it does during the new moon, Teshuvah is a time when solar eclipses can occur. The apostle Peter, quoting from Joel, tells us that eclipses are a prophetic sign for the church age (Acts 2:17-21), and we began researching Teshuvah eclipses ahead of the Great American Eclipse on Teshuvah, Aug. 21, 2017. By studying Teshuvah eclipses over a 500-year period, we found that Teshuvah eclipses are an invitation to return to the presence of God or a warning of judgment to come.

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Lunar eclipses, or blood moons, are also a prophetic sign for the xhurch age, being associated with the outpouring of the Holy Spirit and salvation (also in Acts 2:17-21). These eclipses occur in the middle of the lunar month and thus can fall on the Feasts of Passover and Tabernacles. In the years 2014 and 2015 there were four such blood moons on Passover and tabernacles, a rare event known as a tetrad.

Since Jesus came, all of the blood moon tetrads were prophetic signs of the expansion of the church, first beginning the church’s overcoming of the Roman Empire in A.D. 162-63, then the expansion eastward out of the old Roman Empire area in 795-96, 842-43 and 860-61. Then came the church expansion out of Europe, 1423-29 and 1493-94, with worldwide revival coming in 1949-50 and the 600-million charismatic believer renewal of 1967-68.

We believe that the 2014-15 tetrad began another church revival based on Christian unity.

We believe that God still wants to send the revival prophesied by the 2014-2015 blood moon tetrad. However, America failed to repent and return to God after the Great American Eclipse of 2017. As a result, the nation has suffered from plagues, riots, crime, corrupt government, military humiliation and attacks on our children.

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But God sends judgment to bring righteousness (Isa. 26:9), and He sent two solar eclipses as signs in the heavens to show He is not through with America. The first, on Oct. 14, 2023, called on America to repent and return to God. The second, on April 8, 2024, called for revival.

In response to God’s call, many joined with us in the American Wake Up Call Initiative and other prayer initiatives. The Lord responded to our prayers of repentance by exposing evil in America and the church. Then the whole nation watched in awe as God parted the clouds for the April 8, 2024, eclipse.

Instead of judgment, the message was “God Says Go.”

Let us continue to keep a repentant heart and seek God for how we can participate in the coming revival.

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Ron Allen is a Christian businessman who is active in ministries spreading a message of reconciliation to God, to men and between believers. He is the founder of American Wake Up Call. For more information, see

For more information, on Teshuvah eclipses, get a free download of our book “Teshuvah Eclipses” at

For more information on blood moons, get a free download of our book “The Mystery of the Blood Moons” at

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