Fresh Oil, Holy Fire, New Wind: A Prophetic Word for 2024

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James Lasher

Joining Charisma News for an exclusive interview, Pastor Samuel Rodriguez, president of the National Hispanic Christian Leadership Conference, brings forth a powerful prophetic word for 2024. He shares the importance of fresh oil, holy fire and new wind in the coming year that the Lord has put on his heart.

Fresh Oil

The first element of this prophetic word is fresh oil, which represents a new anointing. Rodriguez reminds us that we have already received the Holy Spirit (1 John 2:27), but God is about to do something new in us, with us, for us and through us to fulfill the Great Commission and advance the kingdom of heaven. This fresh oil is a call to renew our commitment to serve God and bring down the giants in our lives, just as David did.

“I’m not saying God’s going to give you a new Holy Spirit. What I am saying is that the Holy Spirit is about to do something new, in us with us, for us, through us for the glory of Jesus,” Rodriguez explains.

Holy Fire

The second element, holy fire, is a call to sanctification and purification. Rodriguez reminds us that the fire of God is not punitive but preserves us, proves us and prepares us (Matt. 3:11). Holy fire is a purifying fire that sanctifies our families, ministries and communities. The fire of God converts our faith into favor, and we must embrace this holy fire in 2024.

“When you’re full of God’s fire, your mind your body, your family, your health, your circumstances become a snake-free zone. The enemy cannot occupy space in the presence of holy fire. So I’m speaking prophetically now; it’s fresh oil. Holy fire,” he says.

New Wind

The final element, new wind, represents joy. In a world filled with challenges, God is bringing new wind, or joy, to His people in 2024. This joy is our strength (Neh. 8:10), and it will enable us to conquer new territories and bring down giants. We must embrace this new wind and be a light in the midst of darkness.

“I do believe God is sanctifying His church,” Rodriguez reveals. “He’s purifying His church. He’s exposing some things that have been hidden for His name’s sake and for His glory. There’s going to be this great, let’s just say, ‘differential.’ We’re going to differentiate, we’re going to distinguish, between the holy remnant and the complacent church.”

Renewing Ourselves with Fresh Spiritual Oil

As we approach 2024, it is vital to renew ourselves with fresh spiritual oil. The Bible offers guidance on how to do this:

— Seek God’s presence: Psalm 16:11 tells us that in God’s presence, there is fullness of joy. Spend time in prayer, worship and reading the Word to renew your spiritual oil.

— Embrace humility: James 4:10 says that if we humble ourselves before the Lord, He will lift us up. Be open to God’s refining fire and allow Him to transform your life.

— Walk in obedience: 1 John 2:3-6 emphasizes the importance of obeying God’s commands. As we walk in obedience, we will experience the fullness of His love and fresh oil in our lives.

The prophetic word for 2024 from Pastor Samuel Rodriguez is a powerful reminder of the importance of fresh oil, holy fire and new wind in our lives. As we renew ourselves with fresh spiritual oil, we will be better equipped to serve God and advance His kingdom in the coming years.

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James Lasher is staff writer for Charisma Media.

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