Submitting to God in Everything

True Spiritual Authority operates in an environment of Godly wisdom that releases women to fulfill their callings in every area of life.

The old saying is true: “A woman’s place is in the home.” It’s just not her only place.

Many women today bristle when they hear that old axiom. They get defensive when they hear the word “submission” or the term “spiritual authority.” A big reason, no doubt, is that many women have experienced abuse in their homes–both emotionally and physically–under the banner of “submission.”

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Messengers from Glory

The Scriptures include countless references to angels in both the Old and the New Testaments. This should convince us that God does not stand far off from His people when we need His intervention. Often, He sends angels to comfort, instruct and encourage us with a word, a song or a touch.

Because we don’t always embrace the reality of angelic comfort, these encounters can go unnoticed. But we never face desperate circumstances alone.

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Henrietta Mears

Pioneer in Christian Education

During a period just prior to his highly successful Los Angeles crusade in 1949, Billy Graham was being challenged by one of his closest friends to accept a liberal view of the Bible. Graham desperately cried out to God under an August moon at a mountain retreat. Help came in the person of Henrietta Mears, a pioneer in Christian education at Hollywood First Presbyterian Church.

“She had faith in the integrity of the Scriptures and an understanding of Bible truth as well as modern scholarship,” Graham recalled recently in his autobiography.

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