
Move of the Spirit

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Sarah Stegall

Two-year-old Nathan was talking on the telephone to his Aunt Peggy. With animated face and dramatics, he described his new ball, then ran to get it for her.

Holding the ball up to the phone, Nathan asked, “See?”

“No,” she replied.

Puzzled, he asked, “Is it dark there?”

­Kayla Kirkland

During a church service once when my son was almost a year old, I resorted to bouncing him on my knee to keep him quiet until the service was over. I looked around to make sure he wasn’t disturbing anyone, and when I looked back at him I saw something that appeared to be smoke coming from him.

Thinking my baby was on fire, I jumped halfway up and exclaimed, “Oh, my God!” Then I realized I had been bouncing him so hard his baby powder was flying out of his diaper like dust!

People around me thought the Spirit had moved on me. I never explained to them what really happened.

­Wanda Payne

Our first-born, Lisa, became very wise and knowledgeable as soon as she entered kindergarten. One evening she asked me, “Mommy, do you know what symmetry is?”

“Yes,” I answered, “that’s when two sides are exactly the same.”

With awe in her voice, she said, “You went to kindergarten, didn’t you?”

­Jean Stauffer

“The Christmas season reminds us that a demonstration of religion is often better than a definition of it.”

–E.C. McKenzie

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