God’s Word Prevailed

My oldest son was killed in a car accident on September 26, 1984. Recovery wasn’t an easy process for me, but God healed my broken heart, mended my shattered emotions and put me back together again. He began to show me the power of prayer and most of all, the importance of standing on His Word for my loved ones and myself.

One night as I was praying with my 16-year-old daughter, the Holy Spirit led me to pray more protection over her than usual. According to Isaiah 43:17 and Psalm 91:11, I prayed that no weapon formed against her would prosper and that angels would be all about her.

Little did I know what was ahead! But the Holy Spirit was way ahead of the devil!

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A Continent in Crisis

AIDS kills more than 6,000 people a day in sub-Saharan Africa, leaving hopelessness and havoc in its wake. But pastors and intercessors are coming together to break this curse and bring healing.

Rose Mukantaganda lies on a makeshift bed in a tiny, borrowed room, waiting for her day to die. The 28-year-old learned she has AIDS nine months ago and has since sent her child, who also has AIDS, to die with her husband’s relatives.

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