A Double Blessing

When I first met my husband, Jim, neither of us had heard much about God. I believed in a sovereign God, but Jim did not.

One day when I was watching the Trinity Broadcasting Network, I realized I could have a friend, a confidant and most of all, a Savior. I started attending a wonderful Baptist church a mile from our home. At first I would ask Jim to go, but he refused, so I didn’t push it.

I was grateful to have God in my life, especially when I was facing surgery for cancer. I knew He could and would heal me.

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angry couple

Do You Hate Confrontations? Here’s Why You Should Stop Tiptoeing Around Conflict

How do we keep our relationships intact when our individual needs collide? One of the greatest weaknesses within the body of Christ is our paranoia when it comes to handling conflict. Regardless of how many scripture verses we learn about addressing it, we still treat it like the plague. Why don’t we deal with discord

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