A Woman’s Right to Preach

Many christians object to the idea of women in ministry because they believe the bible forbids it. The scriptures show their belief is unfounded.

How is it that women would venture to preach when female ministry is forbidden in the Word of God?

This is a serious objection to consider and, if capable of substantiation, would receive my immediate and cheerful acquiescence; but I think I can show, by a fair and consistent interpretation, that the very opposite view is the truth–that the public ministry of women is absolutely enjoined by both precept and example in the Word of God.

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Zilpha Elaw

Nineteenth Century Revivalist

One day while milking a cow, Zilpha saw Jesus walking toward her. He appeared to say, “Thy prayer is accepted; I own thy name.” Zilpha first thought she was seeing things; but when the cow looked in the same direction, bent its front legs and lowered its head to the ground, she knew the Lord had come to answer her prayer.

Zilpha was born free to religious parents in Pennsylvania around 1790. Her mother died when she was 12 years old, and her father sent her to live with a Quaker family. He died a year and a half later.

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Change Me, O Lord!

My thoughts were racing as I headed for a ministers’ conference in Des Moines, Iowa, with my husband. I was continually crying out to God, “I need to change!”

I noticed the beautiful trees, with their leaves turning from green to gold and from orange to red. God spoke to my heart and said: “Just as these leaves are changing as part of my new season, so are you changing in a new season. But I, the Lord your God, determine the season.”

The wind blew, and the leaves fell to the ground. Although I could not yet see the new leaves that would come in spring, God was already announcing their coming.

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