
Hezbollah Threatens Israeli Power Grid

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Shawn Akers

Lebanon Hezbollah

The head of Lebanon’s Hezbollah terrorist movement, which is an Iranian proxy militia, warned Israel on Saturday not to think that a weakening of Bashar al-Assad’s regime in Syria means Hezbollah is also weaker.

“We have everything we need in Lebanon. We don’t need to transport arms from Syria or Iran,” Hezbollah leader Hassan Nasrallah said in a speech broadcast on a giant video screen in southern Beirut. “I warn the Israelis that the resistance in Lebanon will not remain silent in the face of any aggression against Lebanon.

“They know all it takes is a few rockets for their airports, ports and power plants to be plunged into darkness.”

Nasrallah’s warning comes against the backdrop of tension along Israel’s border with Syria and Lebanon.

Israel is worried that with the loosening of Assad’s grip on power, weapon stockpiles will fall into the hands of terrorist groups, including Hezbollah. Assad is an ally of Hezbollah and he is believed to have been transporting some of his weapons stockpiles to the Lebanese terrorist group, out of fear that they would fall into Syrian insurgents’ hands.

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