Jesus & the Gospel

  • The Blueprints for Building a Powerful and Abundant Life for Jesus

    The Blueprints for Building a Powerful and Abundant Life for Jesus

    Have you ever seen blueprints? If not, blueprints are detailed drawings, containing specifications approved by the builder of a home. A blueprint fully outlines the quality of the materials needed to build a stable and trustworthy home. For a Christian, the Bible is our detailed “blueprint” with specifications for living an abundant life that has

  • Kingdom Economics: Why is America Declining Spiritually So Quickly?

    Kingdom Economics: Why is America Declining Spiritually So Quickly?

    The Bureau of Labor Statistics released a surprisingly strong July Employment Report.  Total nonfarm employment was 528K (398K previously, 250K expected).  Private nonfarm employment was 471K (404K previously, 230K expected). The headline unemployment rate dropped to 3.5% from 3.6%. Average hourly earnings for the previous 12 months remained unchanged at 5.2% but 4.9% was expected.

  • How the Holy Spirit Is Preparing America

    How the Holy Spirit Is Preparing America

    As the crackdown against Christianity in America grows, it is a cycle believers have seen before. While no one celebrates their religious freedom coming under attack, God has used this persecution to great effect throughout history. Over the centuries, there have been many cases of Satan trying to shut the mouths of Christians. Until recently,

  • The Biblical Way to Rise Above Mediocre Expectations

    The Biblical Way to Rise Above Mediocre Expectations

    We spend a lot of life figuring out if we “measure up,” a phrase someone coined in the mid-1800s. Even in childhood, we begin comparing ourselves with siblings and kids at school, and it never seems to stop. The problem goes back to Cain and Abel, doesn’t it? Most of the time, we don’t go

  • Why God’s Rebuilding is Better Than His Restoration

    Why God’s Rebuilding is Better Than His Restoration

    Often, I have prayed for the Lord to restore something in my life. Whenever I have gone through a hard season or a broken relationship, my prayers automatically petition the Lord to restore my situation. Whenever there is a loss, and you are going through the grieving process, and you hit the denial stage, you

  • Why America Must Adopt the Battle Cry of Isaiah

    Why America Must Adopt the Battle Cry of Isaiah

    A battle cry is used to summon armies to war. A loud, unified shout could intimidate the strongest of enemies. Confidence in battle often tilts the scale toward victory, whereas timidity, fear and cowardliness will surely lead to defeat. In these dreadful times, don’t be shamed into silence. Follow Isaiah’s lead and raise your voice

  • As a Believer, Have You Been Hiding During This Culture War?

    As a Believer, Have You Been Hiding During This Culture War?

    Many years ago, Jesus went up on a mountain, sat down, and spoke to the group he was with: “You are the light of the world. A city that is set on a hill cannot be hidden. Nor do they light a lamp and put it under a basket, but on a lampstand, and it

  • Which Army Will You Be a Part of, Saul’s or David’s?

    Which Army Will You Be a Part of, Saul’s or David’s?

    It’s a new day. Lines are being drawn. Goliath stands before us. David’s army is ready to confront the evils of our day. Saul’s army is just trying to comply. Which army will you be a part of? Both are Christian, but one is victorious and advancing, and the other is powerless. One can shout

  • Spirit-Filled Pastor: How Unforgiveness Can Severely Damage Your Walk With Christ

    Spirit-Filled Pastor: How Unforgiveness Can Severely Damage Your Walk With Christ

    Have you ever been so hurt that you decided not to forgive, no matter what? Holding onto grudges may feel like you’re in control, but in reality, you are being controlled. Unforgiveness can be a hindrance to our prayers, to receiving full deliverance and healing, and may even open doors to demons. Why You Need

  • After the Overturning of Roe, Good News Can Be Found for All

    After the Overturning of Roe, Good News Can Be Found for All

    Good news! The tragic Roe v. Wade decision that opened the doors for abortion in our nation has been overturned! But not everyone thinks so. Rage-filled groups hit the streets to harass and even terrorize churches and crisis pregnancy centers. Young women lament their fears on social media, while many older women see it as

  • EXCLUSIVE: The Truth About Why John Allen Chau Set Out for North Sentinel Island

    EXCLUSIVE: The Truth About Why John Allen Chau Set Out for North Sentinel Island

    When five young missionaries were brutally murdered on an Ecuadorian beach in January 1956, headlines blared. Millions mourned. And believers worldwide recognized the newest generation of martyrs. When 26-year-old missionary John Allen Chau met a similar fate on a remote beach on North Sentinel Island in November 2018, the internet exploded. Controversy swirled. And believers

  • Did Pope Francis Really Just Deny the Existence of Hell?

    Did Pope Francis Really Just Deny the Existence of Hell?

    The Vatican on Thursday rebuked a well-known Italian journalist who quoted Pope Francis as saying hell does not exist. The Vatican issued a statement after the comments spread on social media, saying they did not properly reflect what the pope had said. Eugenio Scalfari, 93, an avowed atheist who has struck up an intellectual friendship

  • How the Stars Portray Satan’s Ultimate Defeat

    How the Stars Portray Satan’s Ultimate Defeat

    This week, we will have one of the best opportunities of the year to view the planet Mercury. Mercury is one of the “seven planets” which were visible to the ancients. The fourth day of the week, Wednesday, is named in English after the Norse god corresponding to Roman Mercury and Greek Hermes. The planet

  • American Pastors Plan Pilgrimage to Israel, Urge Believers to Stand With God’s Chosen Ones

    American Pastors Plan Pilgrimage to Israel, Urge Believers to Stand With God’s Chosen Ones

    As headlines continue to come out of Israel during one of the world’s most turbulent times, the American Pastors Network (APN, regularly creates a dialogue about the matters that should be important to all Christians, especially through its daily radio ministry, “Stand in the Gap Today.” APN President Sam Rohrer, along with “Stand in the Gap Today” co-hosts

  • Verses of Violence: Comparing the Bible and Quran

    Verses of Violence: Comparing the Bible and Quran

    When Christians point to the violent verses in the Quran, Muslims reply, “But what about the violent verses in the Bible?” How should we respond to this fair challenge from Muslims? 1. The violent verses in the Bible were for a specific time and place; the violent verses in the Quran are spoken in general

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