Israel & Jewish Roots

  • Why Israel Still Matters

    The fall of Jerusalem in A.D. 70 shook international Jewry and greatly influenced the thinking of the Christian world. The Jews had resisted the power of Rome for years, but the Romans ultimately responded with unprecedented slaughter and cruelty, carrying out what was described by the early historian Josephus as a terrible holocaust. The gentile…

  • A Course Correction for President Obama

    A Course Correction for President Obama

    Last week, President Obama gave a major speech in Cairo. There he made a number of important points, including issuing a strong rejection of Holocaust denial in front of an audience that has been far too sympathetic to it. Yet while confronting this one myth, President Obama unfortunately helped to perpetuate two other dangerous myths…

  • Christian Tourists Focus of Holy Land Marketing Campaign

    Recently appointed Israel Minister of Tourism, Stas Misezhnikov, plans to shift the direction of marketing efforts in Israel by promoting the country's holy sites. In light of Pope Benedict XVI's recent visit to Israel, Misezhnikov will target unique Catholic and Evangelical markets around the world. "What Israel needs to do is focus on what it…

  • Pro-Israel Group Makes Inroads on Campuses

    A growing number of Christian college students are showing their support for Israel by forming student-led campus chapters of Christians United for Israel (CUFI). Andrew Summey, national director of CUFI on Campus, estimates the organization has a presence on roughly 150 campuses and that 35 colleges have a designated CUFI liaison or pro-Israel group. In…

  • Journey to the Holy Land—In Florida

    For many Christians, it would be a dream come true to take a pilgrimage to the Holy Land and watch the Bible unfold before their eyes. But due to a failing economy, times are tough and people are saving their money until times get better. But I took a journey to the Holy Land Experience…

  • Israel’s Most Dangerous Moment

    Diabolical forces in Iran, Venezuela and in our own country are aligned against Israel today. Here's how you can pray for the apple of God's eye. I have a growing conviction in my life, more pronounced with each day, that the nation and people of Israel must be a central theme in our intercession before…

  • White Supremacist Kills Security Guard at Holocaust Museum in Washington, D.C.

    James W. von Brunn, an 88-year-old white supremacist, opened fire in the Holocaust Memorial Museum in Washington, D.C. on Wednesday, killing security guard, Stephen T. Johns, before being critically wounded by museum guards. Officials say when Johns opened the door for von Brunn to tour the museum, the suspect shot Johns in the chest, killing him…

  • The Rebirth of Israel

    The Rebirth of Israel

    For 1,800 years, the church fathers ranted that the church is the new Israel. To prove that God had turned His back on the Jews, they pointed to the wandering, tormented Jews of the Diaspora, saying, "If God is with them, why has this homeless befallen them?" They forget that for the most part European…

  • The Politics of Betrayal

    It is nothing short of astonishing to note the agenda-driven politics of our day. It gives lip service to grand ideals, papers over the truth in order to distort reality, and in the end amounts to betrayal. This is the picture that is unfolding before our eyes concerning Israel and her battle for survival. Even…

  • Touring the Temple Mount

    The southern area of the Temple Mount in Jerusalem houses many archaeological finds including 200 ton stones, bath houses, and what is said to be the oldest interchange in the world. It was built more than 2,000 years ago during the Herodian period. To tour the ancient biblical site watch the video below.

  • The Peace of Jerusalem

    Without question Israel, and its capital city, Jerusalem, are of paramount importance in the plans and purposes of God. And we know God uses believers to work with Him in prayer for the carrying out of His plans, His mysteries, on the earth (see 1 Cor. 14:2). That's why He commands us to "pray for…

  • Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu, Obama ‘Share’ Quest for Peace in Middle East

    Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu responded positively to U.S. President Barack Obama's address from Cairo to the Muslim world on Thursday, voicing hope that the speech would foster reconciliation between Israel and its Arab neighbors. "The government of Israel expresses hope that President Obama's important speech will lead to a new period of reconciliation between…

  • The Fate of Israel Is in Your Hands

    The Fate of Israel Is in Your Hands

    Paul tells us in Romans 11:13-15, "Inasmuch as I am the apostle to the Gentiles, I make much of my ministry in the hope that I may somehow arouse my own people to envy and save some of them. For if their rejection [of Jesus] is the reconciliation of the world, what will their acceptance…

  • The Blessings of Those Who Fear the Lord

    Psalm 128:1-6 Throughout the Word of God there are many blessings listed that come to those who fear the Lord. We fear the Lord when we stand in awe of Him and desire to obey Him because we know His great love. When we fear the Lord, we desire to be obedient and walk in…

  • Become a Watchman

    There seems to be a presumptuous triumphalism affecting-rather, infecting-the Western church, especially in America. This attitude, based on poor theology and ignorance of history, causes believers either to be unaware of or to deny outright the existing crisis regarding the future of Christianity in the face of jihadist Islam. Proof texts such as "I will…

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