Israel & Jewish Roots

  • Waking Up to Iran

    Waking Up to Iran

    In recent weeks, the world seems to have finally awakened to the true nature of Iran’s Islamic regime. First, Iran’s leaders appear to have stolen a presidential election on behalf of their preferred candidate, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad. Then they brutally cracked down on those who protested the theft. Rather than admit that the protests are an

  • Did Obama Edit History?

    Did Obama Edit History?

    Even four weeks later, President Barak Obama's Cairo speech is still reverberating in Washington, D.C. To his credit, the president used the speech to shatter an ugly myth when he confronted Holocaust denial. But unfortunately, President Obama's speech actually reinforced other dangerous myths about Israel's history and the true obstacles to peace in the Middle…

  • Meeting God at the Winepress

    In biblical times, a winepress represented joy, singing and rejoicing. Farmers would harvest their grapes, place them in a pit hewed from a rock called a winepress, and crush the fruit to get the juice. They would use the grape juice to make wine and serve it at weddings, dinner and other gatherings. But according…

  • Israeli Basketball Player Selected in NBA Draft

    The Sacramento Kings selected forward Omri Casspi at the 23rd pick of the National Basketball Association (NBA) draft held in New York City's Madison Square Garden last week. The 6-foot-9-inch 21-year-old is the first Israeli ever to be drafted by an NBA team in the first round of the selection process. Casspi watched the draft…

  • Messianic Judaism Recognized in Israel and Elsewhere

    Messianic Judaism Recognized in Israel and Elsewhere

    The Messianic Action Committee (MAC) led the fight against two proposed laws meant to make Messianic Judaism illegal in Israel, and both of these proposals failed to become law in the land. Now, the MAC (under the name Action Committee for Messianic Judaism in Hebrew) has been officially recognized as an Israeli not-for-profit organization. This…

  • Poll Shows Israelis Losing Trust in Obama

    The latest poll of Israeli public opinion shows that a mere 6 percent of the Jewish population consider President Barack Obama to be a friend of Israel, down from 31 percent a few weeks ago. According to the Smith Research poll conducted for The Jerusalem Post, exactly half the people surveyed believe Obama's administration is…

  • A View From the Top

    Standing atop Mount Olive, I got a panoramic view of Jerusalem and the Old City during my pilgrimage to the Holy Land. I could see the Temple Mount, the City of David, and the “pinnacle” or the place where the Bible says Satan told Jesus: “If You are the Son of God, throw Yourself down…

  • Building a Bridge Between the Church and the Synagogue

    Building a Bridge Between the Church and the Synagogue

    Tevye, the papa in the play/movie Fiddler on the Roof was surveying his sad situation—four unmarried daughters, a dry cow, a lame horse, Russian pogroms—he looked up to God and said, "God it's nice that you chose me to be one of your chosen people, but would you mind choosing someone else for a change?!"…

  • Finding Jesus in the Promised Land

    People who visit the Holy Land generally fall into one of two categories: tourists or pilgrims. Tourists go to see various sites, buy souvenirs, take photos and videos, and then return home to share with family and friends their pictures, purchases and adventures. Pilgrims go to experience God—and their lives are transformed in the process.…

  • Will God Judge America?

    Will God Judge America?

    In the Old Testament book of Joel 3:2, the Word says: "I will also gather all nations, and bring them down to the valley of Jehoshaphat; and I will enter into judgment with them there on account of My people, My heritage Israel, whom they have scattered among the nations, they have also divided up…

  • First Century Holy Land Artifact Popularized in U.S.

    A Holy Land artifact that dates back the time of Jesus is expected to draw Christians' interest in celebrating the roots of their faith. Dubbed The Jesus Boat, the 27-foot wooden fishing boat was discovered by two brothers in 1986 in the Sea of Galilee after a drought. The vessel, officially dated to the first…

  • Discovering the Dead Sea Scrolls

    Considered the lowest surface area on earth, the Dead Sea lies 410 meters below sea level. Located northwest of its shores is one of Israel’s most spectacular, ancient sites—the Qumran caves. Qumran was home to a sect of Jewish zealots who penned what has come to be known today as the Dead Scrolls. The members…

  • Why Israel Still Matters

    The fall of Jerusalem in A.D. 70 shook international Jewry and greatly influenced the thinking of the Christian world. The Jews had resisted the power of Rome for years, but the Romans ultimately responded with unprecedented slaughter and cruelty, carrying out what was described by the early historian Josephus as a terrible holocaust. The gentile…

  • A Course Correction for President Obama

    A Course Correction for President Obama

    Last week, President Obama gave a major speech in Cairo. There he made a number of important points, including issuing a strong rejection of Holocaust denial in front of an audience that has been far too sympathetic to it. Yet while confronting this one myth, President Obama unfortunately helped to perpetuate two other dangerous myths…

  • Christian Tourists Focus of Holy Land Marketing Campaign

    Recently appointed Israel Minister of Tourism, Stas Misezhnikov, plans to shift the direction of marketing efforts in Israel by promoting the country's holy sites. In light of Pope Benedict XVI's recent visit to Israel, Misezhnikov will target unique Catholic and Evangelical markets around the world. "What Israel needs to do is focus on what it…

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