God’s Blessings Breathe Life Into Traditional Families

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Gina Meeks

Larry and Tiz Huch

Releasing Family Blessings provides practical instruction on how families can reap the benefits of living a God-centered life and realize the happiness God intended for the family unit. Following the guidance and experience of the book’s authors, pastors Larry and Tiz Huch can help to achieve that.

Not only does the book extol the virtues of traditional marriage—the union of a man and a woman—it also instructs couples on how to build a spiritual covering over both their marriage and their children by effectively applying God’s Word.

The idea for the book was born out of motivation. When Tiz Huch read an article in the British newspaper The Telegraph entitled “Death of the Traditional Family,” she was saddened, stunned and challenged.

“If you watch TV or give credence to the media these days, there are different ideas of what is the new normal for families,” says Tiz, co-pastor of New Beginnings Church in Dallas along with Larry. “It might seem funny or cute to some, but it is a way that leads to destruction. God is the master planner, and His plan really works.”

Through this book, the Huchs hope to spread the message that the traditional family has always been and always will be in the center of God’s plans for His people. And the Huchs certainly are qualified to share their ideas of what constitutes a successful marriage and family.

The couple has been husband and wife since 1977—just as long as they have been in the ministry—and they have three children, all of whom work for them in their ministry in Dallas. The couple has a television program that airs daily on the Daystar Television Network and the Cornerstone Television Network.

With the high divorce rate, including the dissolution of many Christian marriages and the number of single-parent homes increasing, Releasing Family Blessings conveys the message that it is time for America to get back to doing things God’s way, including church pastors.

“It has been ingrained in us as a society that our ministry, or our business, is what is most important. That is an old ploy of the enemy,” Larry Huch explains. “If we lose the family unit, as we can see is happening a lot these days, then we will be one generation away from being a godless nation. How we treat our family is the exact shadow of our relationship with God. That should be a sobering thought to everyone.”

In Releasing Family Blessings, the Huchs reveal methods of how to mold a close-knit family. The Huchs continue to observe a tradition that began years ago called Shabbat—the Jewish day of rest.

Although it is not of Jewish persuasion, the entire family gathers for a time of fellowship and prayer. It is a ritual that Larry Huch says helps to keep the family together in difficult circumstances.

“On that night, we get together and stop everything and pray for our family,” Larry says. “We light candles, and we say that, no matter how dark it gets out there in the world, the light of God will shine in our homes. Everyone is forbidden to say one negative word. All you can talk about is the goodness of God and the blessings we have. It has been a major blessing to our entire family.”

The book also reveals the Huchs’ “Give Up to Go Up,” in which each individual in a marriage makes compromises for the sake of family, joy and harmony. Instead of fighting each other—a common occurrence early on in their marriage—the Huchs began fighting for their marriage, which included the breaking of generational curses. One of those was Larry Huch’s lifelong battle with anger, which he overcame with the help of God’s Word.

In an age where the concept of traditional marriages and families is taking a huge hit in the United States and around the globe, Releasing Family Blessings is a must-read.  

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