
Warring for Our Nation

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Steve Strang

I am calling on all those concerned about the 2008 election to pray.
Outside the borders of the United States, our nation is in a war for its survival against Islamo-fascists who want to impose their form of Islam on the West. They call Israel the “little Satan” and the United States the “big Satan.” At home believers are engaged in a cultural war with those who not only ridicule our values and blaspheme God but also want to impose their vision for America—which allows for all forms of godlessness—on the entire country.

The days we are living in were prophesied by David in Psalm 2:1-3: “Why do the nations rage, and the people plot a vain thing? The kings of the earth set themselves, and the rulers take counsel together, against the Lord and against His Anointed, saying, ‘Let us break Their bonds in pieces, and cast away Their cords from us'” (NKJV).

The direction our nation takes will be determined in part by the president we elect in 2008 to lead us through these perilous times. It is crucial that we put the right person into office.

And it’s not too early for us to begin strategizing. Remember, the last two presidential elections were very close, and the media said “values voters” made the difference.

The first thing we must do is pray. The apostle Paul exhorted Timothy to pray “for kings and all who are in authority, that we may lead a quiet and peaceable life in all godliness and reverence” (1 Tim. 2:2). We must also mobilize our churches to begin praying, getting the word out about candidates and encouraging their congregations to vote.

Consider the way the election is shaping up a year before the first primaries. The Republicans have several candidates, including Rudy Giuliani, who are pro-choice on the abortion issue and either pro-gay or soft on the same-sex marriage issue.

Another candidate, Mitt Romney, now says he is against abortion and gay marriage. But he has flip-flopped on the issue, and there is no guarantee he won’t change his mind again. Romney is a Mormon, so we must consider how his religious beliefs would influence the decisions he makes once in office.

Thankfully men such as Sen. Sam Brownback have the values we share. But the media is writing him off as merely a darling of the religious right who has little chance of winning.

One Democratic hopeful is Hillary Clinton, a divisive figure well known for her liberal beliefs. But many Democrats don’t believe she can win and are looking for new possibilities for leadership. Their eyes have landed on the popular young senator from Illinois, Barack Hussein Obama Jr.

It’s been rumored that Obama is a Muslim because his father was a Muslim from Kenya. His parents divorced when he was 2, and his mother remarried a Muslim who later moved the family to Indonesia. Obama’s political handlers are playing down any connection to Islam and point out that he and his wife have joined the very liberal United Church of Christ.

In an interesting Internet article, Jack Wheeler, editor of To The Point News, suggests that a journalist should ask Obama if he’s afraid of assassination by Muslims for converting to Christianity or if he is willing to call on all Muslims to renounce such punishment and declare that Muslims are free to convert to another religion.

Who would have thought that a man raised as a Muslim would become the darling of the liberal media and be put forward as a possible presidential candidate?
I think you can see that we are engaged in serious spiritual warfare. So I am calling on all intercessors and all those concerned about the outcome of this election—whether you are a Republican or a Democrat—to pray as never before.

Pray that God will raise up godly candidates whose values are based on biblical principles and who will lead this country the right way. Encourage others to pray as well.

And visit our Web site (www.charismamag.com/strang) to link to more information about Obama and the 2008 election. You can post your own opinions or send a letter to the editor. You can also sign up to receive our weekly e-newsletter for intercessors that contains important information and topics for prayer.

Stephen Strang is the founder and publisher of Charisma. To read past columns in Charisma by Stephen Strang, log on at www.charismamag.com/strang.

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