
Read About The New Zionism; Plan to Attend Jerusalem Banquet

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Steve Strang

Robert Stearns,
founder of Eagles’ Wings, did a magnificent job as guest editor for the new
issue of Ministry Today. He highlighted a very important topic: the New
Zionism.  I’m happy to post the new
digital issue below in hopes that you’ll read it and benefit from the articles.  You’re getting it before it is emailed to
our regular list.  I hope you’ll
subscribe and be among the first people to receive it on your iPad.

The issue of
Zionism and Israel is near and dear to me. For years I’ve been a strong
supporter of Israel. So it’s an honor for me to have been invited by Robert to
be one of the “conveners” for the Jerusalem Banquet in New York City on May 17.
Even though I’ll write about it later I wanted to send this out right away
because it was announced this week that the keynote speaker will be former
Arkansas Governor Mike Huckabee.

With the difficult
situation in the Middle East, it’s important for Christians who love Israel to
do all they can to support Israel.  Attending
this event is one way to show your support and to participate in a worthy cause.

A press release
from Robert’s ministry, Eagles’ Wings, said this:

“The mounting crisis in the Middle
East makes this the most important Jerusalem Banquet we have ever hosted,” said
Stearns, a noted expert on Israel-Christian relations.

“A nuclear Iran poses a threat not only to Israel, but also to the United
States. When combined with the tragic civil war in Syria and the increasing
instability of the Middle East, the need for an informed response by America’s
Christian leaders has never been more pressing,” according to Stearns.

Mike Huckabee is particularly well qualified to address the Jerusalem
Banquet, an annual gathering of Christian and Jewish leaders from across
America. In addition to serving as Governor of Arkansas (1996-2007) and vying
for the Republican presidential nomination in 2008, Huckabee has gained a
reputation for his penetrating analysis of national and international affairs.
He currently hosts Huckabee on the Fox News network.

The Jerusalem Banquet begins with a gala event the evening of Thursday, May
17 at which the Governor will speak, and culminates with the Strategic Briefing
on Friday morning, May 18. The Strategic Briefing will focus on the current situation
in the Middle East, with special emphasis on the Iranian threat. Hundreds of
America’s leading evangelical pastors are expected to attend this event.
Speakers include Ambassador Ido Aharoni, Consul General of Israel; Dr. Michael
Little, president of the Christian Broadcasting Network; Mr. Steve Strang,
president of Charisma Media; and leading experts on Middle Eastern affairs.

For more information please visit: www.jerusalembanquet.org.

Here is an actual invitation with all the basic information regarding
sponsorships, etc.


Click below to read a wonderful issue with Robert Stearns as guest editor. The articles are great but so is the digital reading experience.

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