
Is the Radical Left Paving the Way for the Antichrist?

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Steve Strang

One thing that grieves me about the state of American politics today is how far left Democrats have gone. As I’ve shared before, I was a Democrat for many years, but over time, that party has become increasingly liberal, globalist and even corrupt. Could it be that this radical shift to the left has more spiritual ramifications than many Christians realize?

Pastor Charles Flowers of San Antonio, Texas, offers a warning about the dangers of globalism, both physical and spiritual. The more America moves away from a nationalist perspective, Flowers says, the more the middle class will suffer—and the more we pave the way for the Antichrist.

“If we look prophetically through that eye, we look at Revelation 13 and we see that the man of sin, the son of perdition, needs three things,” Flowers says. “He needs a one-world religion, he needs a one-world government and he needs a one-world economic system in order to stand upon, in order to build his pedestal for world domination. He almost has all of those in place.”

Flowers shared this insight on “Rise Up, America,” where Bishop Harry R. Jackson Jr. interviewed Flowers and me about a biblical view of racial issues in our nation. Click here to read about Part 1 of the interview and Jackson’s challenge to see our nation from God’s prophetic perspective.

In Part 2, Jackson, Flowers and I discuss how the church must respond to racism in our nation. How should Spirit-filled believers approach hot topics like white privilege and Black Lives Matter?

Flowers argues that although white privilege undoubtedly exists, black Christians cannot let systematic disadvantages force them to live under an invisible ceiling.

“This is the call, not only to black America, but to Christians in general,” Flowers says. “To turn away from trying to be defined by all of this stuff and get back to the central foundation of God’s Word and living on that unapologetically. … Whether or not there is white privilege in the land, we are not limited by it.”

Jackson agrees and points out that it’s those who obey the Word of God who are blessed.

“If a man can limit your blessing, then you’re really not serving a strong enough God,” Jackson says.

I think what Jackson and Flowers shared was brilliant. As Pastor Jack Hayford often says, there is only one race: the human race. We have to start thinking differently and stop trying to divide ourselves based on the color of our skin. We also need to make the American dream available to everyone, no matter their racial or ethnic background.

But for that to happen, Jackson says, we need a biblical understanding of the matter. Secular mindsets that can affect people within movements like Black Lives Matter must be replaced with a scriptural paradigm if we truly want to end racial, socioeconomic and gender-based injustices.

I talk about this very issue in my new book, Trump Aftershock. The battle for this nation isn’t Republican versus Democrat or black versus white; it’s a spiritual battle. Now is the time for Spirit-filled believers to rise up, intercede and vote. Jackson’s church will be hosting a night of intercession called Rise Up, America on Nov. 5, the night before Election Day. I encourage you to pray and vote on Nov. 6.

I interviewed Jackson for my new book, Trump Aftershock, which comes out on Election Day. If you haven’t already ordered your own copy, visit trumpaftershock.com, where you can also download a free chapter titled “America at War With Itself.”

Listen to my podcast below to hear the rest of Jackson’s, Flowers’ and my powerful conversation.

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