
If My 90-Year-Old Mother Can Vote, So Can You

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Steve Strang

Yesterday, my wonderful mother, Amy Strang, turned 90 years old. Family from around the country and longtime friends gathered at Mom’s assisted living center last night to celebrate her life and the impact she has had on us all.

One of the great lessons my parents taught my siblings and me was how important it is to exercise our right as Americans to vote. I remember when my mother took us with her to vote in 1956. I suppose she couldn’t find a babysitter, and so decided she would rather bring us with her than not vote.

Later, when I was a teenager, my father took me to a rally to see Richard Nixon when he was running for president. That day was a dream for me. Little did I know God would give me opportunities later on life to interview several presidents and even visit the White House! I’m grateful my mother and father taught me from a young age to value our ability to vote and make a difference.

Even now, at 90 years old, my mother still goes to the polls to vote in every election. Of course, she can’t drive or keep up with all the candidates the way she used to, so I take her and explain who’s running. And if my elderly mother can vote despite the difficulties, so can you. I encourage you to head to the polls Nov. 6 and vote for the candidate you believe best upholds biblical values.

This isn’t about Republicans versus Democrats. Neither political party is perfect, and as Christians, we can’t define ourselves by our political alliances. And yet what we’re seeing is that the Democratic party has gone so far left that it has alienated conservative Christians. Just look at how Democrats have done everything in their power—perhaps to the point of lying—to keep Brett Kavanaugh, a strong conservative, from the Supreme Court.

The Democratic Party’s corruption has gotten so bad that even liberals are beginning to see it. One of my friends wrote on Facebook that although he has voted Democrat for many years, he is now so disgusted by how that party has operated in the Kavanaugh case that he’s never voting Democrat again.

The increasing political corruption is part of the reason I wrote Trump Aftershock, the sequel to my first political book, God and Donald Trump. In Trump Aftershock, I tell the story of the president’s accomplishments the leftist media don’t want to acknowledge.

Although Trump certainly has his flaws, think of what he has done since his election. He nominated Neil Gorsuch, a strong conservative judge, to the Supreme Court. And look at the way he’s exposing the deep state. If Hillary Clinton had won the presidency, we would never have found out about Lisa Page and Peter Strzok’s secret text messages. Clinton’s administration would have covered the situation up, and Page and Strzok probably would have been promoted!

I thoroughly document all these aftershocks and more in my book—and I have 36 pages of end notes to back up what I report.

Click here to pre-order the book on Amazon, and they’ll ship it to you as soon as it comes out on Nov. 6.

If you want to learn more about the book, visit trumpaftershock.com. On that website, you’ll find a great trailer that I believe will excite and inspire you. You’ll also find sample reading from my book that you can download free.

I believe this book can have a strong impact on our nation. We’re already seeing some encouraging early indications. The orders we’re receiving from big retailers like Walmart, Sam’s and Barnes & Noble show that these companies see real potential in this book. I believe that’s because Trump Aftershock is timely and objective. I look at events from the perspective of a Christian journalist, not sugarcoating anything but also not overlooking the clear way the hand of God is moving.

Visit trumpaftershock.com to order the book and get access to free resources, and listen to my podcast below to learn more.

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