
Christian Artist’s Gift of Music Can Soothe Your Depressed Soul

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Steve Strang

Depression is a serious problem in our culture. In fact, suicide in the U.S. is on the rise, according to the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention—and much of it is linked to depression.

Many even in the body of Christ struggle with depression and, sadly, not many get the help they need. But a Christian music artist named Ben Ferrell has a burden to minister through his music to those struggling.

Ben is a friend and distant cousin of mine from Tulsa, Oklahoma, and he’s experienced significant success with his music. He’s recorded several videos of songs he’s written and played—all of which point back to the Savior. I even shared the audio of one of those videos on my “Strang Report” podcast, which you can listen to here or in this article.

In this recording, Ben plays some peaceful, soothing music. I found it so relaxing that I listened to it several times.

“If you have been plagued by depression in your life—or maybe you’re experiencing a panic attack right now, maybe anxiety-ridden, or maybe you’re going through a time in your life when you feel like you don’t want to live—I want you to know that I understand,” Ben says. “I’ve been there myself. I want you to know that there’s hope.”

Ben says he knows that people who are struggling with depression—which he calls a plague in our society—often feel there’s no hope. But he says Jesus is right there with any one of His children who is walking through a dark season.

“You’re not alone,” Ben says. “You’re going to get through this. You can overcome this. This does not have to control your life. This does not have to define who you are. You are a beautiful child of God. … His presence is with you, and will get you through this.”

I encourage you to listen to the podcast to hear Ben’s encouraging words and soothing songs. His heart for the Lord is evident in every note he plays.

If you want to watch the video, visit vimeo.com/bmcferrell and click on the video titled “Defeating Depression 2.” You can also visit benferrellmusic.com to learn more about Ben.

If you’re struggling with depression, please know you’re not alone. Don’t be afraid to reach out and ask for help. And of course, if you’re struggling with suicidal thoughts and are in crisis, call 1-800-273-8255 or visit suicidepreventionlifeline.org.

I hope Ben’s music encouraged you. If you know someone struggling with depression or anxiety, please share this article with them.

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