
Americans Already See Tangible Results of President Trump’s Economic Agenda

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Steve Strang

Naysayers will claim Thursday’s record closing of the Dow at 25,000 has nothing to do with President Donald Trump’s pro-growth, economically focused agenda or his pre-Christmas signing of the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act. But those on board with the president’s goals for the nation know better.

The economy is exploding with growth, opportunity, positive trends and record-breaking numbers. I believe those who don’t equate the economic success with the president’s goals and actions are kidding themselves.

One of the campaign promises that resonated with voters the most was Donald Trump’s vow to “Make America Great Again” economically, and despite the inaccurate claims that the tax bill wouldn’t impact everyday Americans, Trump’s goals are being realized, and his economic promises are being fulfilled. If they haven’t already, it’s only a matter of time before all Americans at every economic level start seeing real results where it counts—in their wallets.

In my new book, God and Donald Trump, I try to focus on the spiritual angle of why a miracle happened to put Trump in the White House. I felt it was important to put this on the record because it isn’t often discussed. But I also give an inside look at the Donald Trump campaign, election and the presidency thus far, including the strides made in the economy. I don’t write about the economy much in my Strang Report, but I felt with Thursday’s record level on the stock market, I must speak out.

Plus, it gives me an opportunity to encourage you to read the book. I’ve done a great number of media interviews, and we sold out of the first large printing, so I’m encouraged. If you’ve read the book, it would help if you gave it a five-star rating on amazon.com. For more information on God and Donald Trump, visit GodandDonaldTrump.com and view the book’s video. Visitors to the site can also download a free chapter and order the book.

Much of the recent encouraging financial news is due to President Trump’s commitment to building and strengthening the economy as well as his internationally known business background.

In my book, I cover this in chapter 10 titled, “Political Priorities.” For many voters, the promise of a new focus on jobs and infrastructure was the No. 1 reason for supporting Donald Trump. With his record of success in the business world, they trusted his ability to revise the tax code, reduce burdens on employers, strengthen the business climate and put Americans back to work.

Since the recession of 2008, American businesses have suffered through the slowest economic recovery since World War II. The United States lost nearly 300,000 manufacturing jobs during this period, while the share of Americans in the workforce plummeted to levels not seen since the 1970s. At the same time, the national debt doubled and the middle class got smaller.

Trump’s plan to get the economy back on track creates 25 million new jobs in the next decade and returns us to a 4 percent annual economic growth. It began with pro-growth tax reform and lower rates for Americans in every tax bracket. As a job creator and businessman, the president knows the importance of getting Washington out of the way and letting business owners do what they do best.

Allowing business owners to “do what they do best” was evidenced with the recent jobs report, which spurred the Dow record last week. The U.S. private sector added a quarter of a million jobs in December, far surpassing projections. The good news gave the American economy yet another boost and the ammunition needed to break yet another record.

In fact, back in November, one year after the 2016 election, Fox News reported that the Dow booked its best-ever first year under a new administration since 1945, soaring 28.5 percent from Election Day through the time of the article. Even more impressive is the fact that the Dow posted 71 record closes in 2017—the most ever—and barreled through six 1,000-point milestones, starting with the Dow at 20,000 five days after Trump took office in January 2017, according to USA Today.

Do you agree with my assessment? Leave your comments below. And let me know what you think of my book. As always, share this with others on social media. {eoa}

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