
Prophetic Word: God Is About to Move Christians Into the Political Arena

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Kathy DeGraw

God is getting ready to move Christians into the political arena.

I woke up the other morning, and government was in my spirit. God wants to shift the government, and He is calling Christians to do so. I feel a stirring in the spiritual realm. God is positioning His people for great spheres of influence in the political realm. He is calling Christians to take up offices and seats in government.

I heard Him clearly saying people, pastors, apostles and leaders are going to be giving up their pulpits for politics. That their new area of ministry will be by making a difference through governmental influence. He is calling us to raise up arms and fight for what He believes in. He continued to reveal to me that there would be well-known Christian conference speakers who would surrender their platforms to institute change in the government. Those platforms were roadways that led to a credible voice that would now have merited favor in political and governmental decisions.

He has prepared the Christian speakers and ministers for such a time as this. People are going to start getting a stirring and nudging to go into politics. They at first thought they were going to be of influence, but the truth is, God is going to use them to make decisions and have a voice in government meetings. It will not just be as a support person to a government leader or a casual conversation, but God is going to use these very leaders who thought they would take a behind the scenes seat to have a visible and viable seat and position of influence.

God is calling the Christians to rise up to a new position and affect their sphere of influence. God is calling us to pray for these people to be strategically positioned, strong and armed. God is going to impart wisdom into these people, and they will talk with a skilled tongue and the wisdom not from man, but from God Himself. God is getting ready to move in the political arena. Will you be ready and prepared for the position He is calling you to perform? {eoa}

Kathy DeGraw is a prophetic healing and deliverance minister and the founder of DeGraw Ministries. She is passionate about releasing the love and power of God to empower and activate people. She is the author of several books, including Speak Out, Warfare Declarations, Who is Speaking? and Powerful Prophetic Proclamations. You can connect with Kathy on Facebook or visit degrawministries.org.

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