Fri. Jan 3rd, 2025

Prophetic Word: Fathers Are Rising Up From the White House to the Church House

Many believers are heralding and celebrating the emergence of sons and daughters of the kingdom who are finding their identity and purpose in this season. It is time we also recognize the spiritual fathers and mothers who are coming alongside these young pioneers in this multi-generational move of God. The Lord is using this time to not only rebuild some time-tested foundational truths, but to restore a breach of broken trust with spiritual authority figures.

“Those from among you shall rebuild the old waste places; you shall raise up the foundations of many generations; and you shall be called, the Repairer of the Breach, the Restorer of Paths in which to Dwell” (Isa. 58:12).

Due to years of dysfunctional leadership within segments of the church and immature responses to conflict, the body of Christ is undergoing a spiritual makeover. Many who were previously wounded by those in positions of spiritual authority are now being given an opportunity to find healing and restoration within the family of God. Where “spiritual authority” has often been a negative term for those who have felt disenfranchised, abandoned, or even controlled, the Lord is now repairing this breach of trust. The Father’s heart regarding healthy authority figures and the role of spiritual moms and dads is coming to the forefront, not only throughout the body of Christ, but even within the highest office in the land.

Scriptures are clear about the place and purpose of healthy spiritual fathers and mothers (2 Kings 2:12, 1 Cor. 4:15, 1 Thess. 2:11, 1 John 2:13-14). God’s plan has always been for the body of Christ to be an inter-generational demonstration of an eternal kingdom that is always increasing and expanding, building upon previous lessons and victories (Ps. 12:1-3).

Even as many fivefold ministers are being raised up to equip the saints, these office-holders will only be as effective as the spiritual fathers and mothers in the local houses of worship. The foundational roles of apostle and prophet (Eph. 2:20) will be the most potent and fruitful when these servants lead with the heart of a father and mother who nurture the family for the long haul. It is in this season that God’s grace is upon those who have been called to establish a strong and secure household of faith (1 Pet. 2:5). It is upon this solid foundation that the coming move of the Holy Spirit will be poured out and properly stewarded for lasting impact.

For those with eyes to see, we can see heaven’s priority in this even within our national leadership in the White House. Whatever many may think about our current president, he bears the fruit of a faithful father. His commitment to his own children and their testimonies of the mutual love and affection for one another, are powerful indicators of this reality in his life. For those who question his success or seeming favor in this season, I believe a key component is due to his heart and perspective as a father.

I believe God is speaking to this “fatherless generation.” He is telling us that Dad is back in the house, putting things in order for the sake of His kids. It is not to control, manipulate or coerce, but to lovingly support, undergird and empower the next generation to be all they were destined to be.

The Lord is addressing the lie that spiritual authority can’t be trusted. He is giving believers more insight into inner healing and deliverance from this stronghold so the body can be a place of healing and restoration. Once healed and properly functioning within a healthy household of faith, these same sons and daughters will reach our orphaned culture with an overflow of the Father’s grace that will be marked by extreme love and supernatural power.

Fathers and mothers are rising up in this hour to come alongside the firebrands, pioneers, and five-fold ministers in order to secure our inheritance in the land. Let us partner with heaven by doing our part in seeing this reality come to pass:

  1. Ask the Holy Spirit to reveal any negative reaction against spiritual authority to find God’s truth and healing grace (Heb. 12:15).
  2. Pray for those in positions of spiritual authority to be healthy in soul, mind, and spirit so they can lead from the heart of the Father (1 Thess. 5:23).
  3. Pray for the sons and daughters to embrace the generational blessing of those who have gone before in order to build upon the foundations already laid (Deut. 4:40).
  4. Pray that the world would see a healthy household of faith rise up to bring healing and restoration to a broken and fatherless culture (Isa. 61:4-7). {eoa}

Wanda Alger is a field correspondent and writer with Intercessors for America ( and has contributed to numerous online publications such as Christian Post, The Elijah List and Spirit Fuel. She is a recognized fivefold prophetic minister with DOVE USA ( and is the author of several books including, Oracles of Grace: Building a Legacy of Wisdom and Revelation. Follow her blog at

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