
Prophecy: The Lord Is Looking for Courageous Knights in Shining Armor

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Shawn Akers

As things around you seem to get darker, know that the Lord is working all things together for good for those who love Him. The light of the Lord shines brighter, dispelling all darkness. Just as the sun is behind the clouds, call forth His light to break through and reveal His glory in your circumstances—in your city, your church and your workplace.

Do not fear, for the Lord is with you. Do not fear the terror by night nor the arrow that flies at you during the day. Your enemy was routed at the cross. Hold fast to the Lord’s promises for they are Yes and Amen, and nothing is impossible for Him.

When fires consume city blocks and evil spirits manifest and show their teeth, calling for the culture of death, speak the truth in love. Stand for the life of Christ. You are on the right side of history, for it is “His story.” Draw near to God and He will draw near to you.

The Lord is looking for courageous knights in His shining armor. He will amplify their voices to convict hearts of sin and call all men to Him. Some of these knights will be in the midst of smoke, chaos and riots, showing God’s love to those who have been deceived and misled. Discern the times and seasons and know everything is in His hands.

The Lord is with you. We wrestle not against flesh and blood but against principalities and powers in the high places. But you are seated with Christ, far above the hierarchy of the evil one. You trample snakes and scorpions. The armor of God protects you. Live in His secret place. Petition the Lord. Draw close to Him and have His Word ready on your lips.

You are His child, an heir of Christ. His presence and glory surround you as you are under His wings and you trust in Him. His Word does not return void but accomplishes His purposes. Abide in Him and He will abide in you.

Take heart, for He is with you and will never leave you nor forsake you. Draw near to Him, son. Draw near to Him, daughter. He delights in you.

Jared and Rochelle Laskey co-founded Fireborn Ministries to teach believers how to live a daily Spirit-empowered life. You can find their resources and learn more about their ministry on firebornministries.com. They also have e-courses such as Entry Level Prophecy, The Last Days, The Baptism with the Holy Spirit and more on charismacourses.com, and the popular podcast Adventures in the Spirit, available anywhere you listen to podcasts.

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