
Prophecy: Teamster Angels Are Delivering Your Harvest

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Jamie Rohrbaugh

Beloved, are you ready for teamster angels to bring you loads of harvest from heaven?

If so, you’re going to love what the Lord has to say about this today. Holy Spirit has been speaking to me about teamster angels and the release of your harvest—and He is saying that the set time is now.

Recently, I received a large harvest on a seed of obedience I sowed starting 16 years ago.

It wasn’t a cash harvest, but it was large and valuable all the same. This harvest was something I didn’t expect—something I won’t even be able to access for another 25-30+ years.

However, it was a huge encouragement to me—and it came on the very day I had been praying for just such a financial blessing.

When this happened, the Lord started speaking to me in a prophetic storm.

Here are a few of the things He showed me:

1. The Lord is bringing His people a harvest on seeds of obedience they sowed 10, 15 or 20 years ago.

The Spirit of God said:

“Your service to the Master has not been overlooked. The seeds you have sown—seeds of every kind: obedience, honor, love and offerings made unto the Lord—have not fallen on fallow ground.

All along as you have obeyed Me; you have wondered when or if you would reap a harvest. Well, My beloved, you shall soon see.

There is always seed, time, then harvest in My Kingdom. And although you have been sowing and waiting all these years, I want to assure you that harvest time is innately connected to My pattern of seed, time and harvest.

Harvest time cannot be separated from the act of sowing. Examine yourself, for you have been thinking in many cases that harvesting is arbitrary. Without realizing it, you have developed a mindset that a harvest is a surprise, for you have been thinking that I may bless and honor some seeds—while forgetting other seeds.

The opposite is true; I assure you. I cannot forget a seed. I cannot forget any act of obedience you have made to Me. Your seeds of obedience, even when you didn’t realize that’s what they were, are a continual, fragrant incense in My nostrils.

I look at your life, and I am proud of you, My child; and I remember every moment of your obedience at all times.

Never forget that I am a faithful God, and My faithfulness reaches from everlasting to everlasting on your behalf. I will show up when you least expect it; I am your God of breakthrough! Look for harvests on your seed!”

2. The warehouses of heaven have been opened—and the Lord showed me “load-bearing teamster angels” bringing huge, heavy harvests to His people.

The warehouses of heaven have been storing places for your harvest while those blessings grew and grew. The Lord has not been punishing you with His waiting; He has been allowing your harvest to mature.

Just the same way an investment in the stock market takes time to mature and bear fruit, your investments in the harvest plans of heaven have taken time to mature and come to fruition.

Now, however, the harvest is very heavy.

Your harvest is looking like the fruit on a fruit tree—fruit that has matured and sugared to the perfect consistency and flavor. The fruit is heavy and bowing the branches down.

The Lord showed me in the Spirit that the warehouses of heaven must be emptied at this time, for they are made of gold.

Gold is an extremely malleable substance that stretches easily—but the warehouses are so filled with heavy fruit for you—fruit that has matured and ripened—that even the gold has reached its breaking point.

3. Every angel in heaven has a job. Teamster angels are assigned to carry heavy loads.

The word “teamster,” 150 years ago, referred to the person who would drive a horse-drawn wagon filled with provision, mail, people or supplies. Now, we have “teamsters” who drive semi-trucks (or 18-wheelers)—the modern equivalent of the horse-drawn supply wagon from days gone by. The load-bearing “teamster angels” have been commissioned and released to bring your deliveries and harvests to you.

Just like a Clydesdale horse is bigger and stronger than a regular horse—and thus built to pull heavy freight—teamster angels are made and fashioned with the capacity to carry extremely heavy loads. They have been sent from heaven to deliver the fruit of your labor. Look now for your harvest.

4. It is fitting for God’s people to all receive their harvest together.

These are big harvests that are interconnected, and they are coming to the people of God all at the same time. Also, once the first one arrives, you will find it connected to more and more.

The blessings are connected like train cars—each separate and individual but coming at you with speed.

5. Many of us in the body of Christ have worried and questioned the status of our harvests.

We have said, in the words of Isaiah 40:27:

“Why do you say, O Jacob, and assert, O Israel: ‘My way is hidden from the Lord, and my justice escapes the notice of my God’?”

But the Lord says, “I am watching over you like a hawk.”

He continued by saying:

“Not one day of your life is forgotten in My sight. Not one seed you have sown has been passed over. Not one claim you have on Me is void, for I am with you and remember you.

I have been with you the whole time. I have made your circumstances work for you behind the scenes even when you didn’t know about it.

I am watching over you with My keen vision and swift answers. However, you have to understand that the way I define “swift” is different than how you define it. It is time for you to come up to My level of thinking.

Realize that I am simultaneously looking at eternity past and eternity future—and the time it takes Me to work behind the scenes in your life, although you get impatient, is less than a blink of an eye. Truly, before you call, I answer.

Ask Me to give you My understanding of time. This will lessen your frustration, for I am eager to help you understand both time and timing. And I want you to know that you are not forgotten. Indeed, I hear every prayer and record every act of obedience in My book, and in the books of your life.

Do not fear, My beloved; I am watching over you like a hawk. Not one moment have you been overlooked or forgotten about in My sight. I am with you to protect and keep you.”

6. I saw three houses being delivered.

I literally saw three houses on trucks, being delivered to the people of God. I asked the Lord what this means, and this is what He told me:

“It’s a pun; a play on words with double meaning. I am delivering your house. I am delivering the church house, and I am delivering another house.”

I believe the Lord has more to say about this portion of the word, but it is for each person to privately ask Him about. I do feel that this word is a specific confirmation of a dream Holy Spirit recently gave you in the night season—after which you woke up with specific counsel from the Lord in your heart and spirit. Ask Him for more about this, and let Him speak to your spirit.

Beloved, your years of waiting for your harvest are over. At any time, you could have derailed your harvest by disobedience in even one instant, but you did not. You have been faithful, and, though you have suffered long, at this time you will experience what the Lord predicted for us in Psalm 126:

When the Lord restored the captives of Zion, we were like those who dream. Then our mouth was filled with laughter, and our tongue with singing. Then they said among the nations, “The Lord has done great things for them.” The Lord has done great things for us; we are glad. Restore our captives, O Lord, as the streams in the Negev. Those who sow in tears shall reap in joy. He who goes forth and weeps, bearing precious seed to sow, shall come home again with rejoicing, bringing his grain sheaves with him.

The set time has come. Hallelujah! {eoa}

Jamie Rohrbaugh is an author, speaker and presence-seeker whose heart is for the local church. Called to intercession and prophetic ministry, her passion is to see sons and daughters transformed by the love of Abba Father. Jamie blogs for a global readership at fromhispresence.com, where she writes about prayer, personal revival and the supernatural lifestyle, and she has written for various ministry outlets. She holds a master’s in biblical studies from Berea Seminary and is a grateful member of the Redbud Writers Guild. Jamie serves as a domestic missionary in Chattanooga, Tennessee.

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