Wed. Sep 18th, 2024

Prophecy: God Is Recruiting Zealous Reformers, Not Performers

God is searching for those burning with the raging fire of the Holy Ghost.

As I was praying recently, I heard the voice of the Lord speak clearly to me, “Son, I’m looking for reformers, not performers.” When I heard the Lord speak this to me, it immediately struck something in me. I knew this was a powerful revelation the Lord wanted to give me. The Lord spoke so deeply to my heart about having an intimate relationship with Him. I felt the love of God when He spoke this to me. The Lord showed me performers are doing what they know, and reformers are changing people and cities because they know Him.  

If God is looking for reformers, not performers, what is a reformer? A reformer is someone who brings about reformation. A reformer is someone who changes things. The word reform means “to shape again.” Reformers are those who reshape the individuals, families, churches, cities, regions and nations over which God has given them influence. Think about John Knox: He prayed, fought and persevered for almost 15 years until he saw Scotland set free from religious oppression. God used John Knox to bring reformation to his nation. Think about Martin Luther. Four hundred ninety-nine years ago, Luther forever changed the church, his city and his nation. Martin Luther reshaped so much that we are still talking about him today.

In this hour, God is looking for people who are ready to reform and not perform. How many times in the Word do we see the need for reformation, but no reformer?

As I kept seeking the Lord about this subject of reformation I remember what John said about Jesus. Luke 3:16 in The Passion Translation says, “John answered them all, saying, “I baptize you with water, but he who is mightier than I is coming, the strap of whose sandals I am not worthy to untie. He will baptize you with the Holy Spirit, into the baptism of holiness and with raging fire.”” If God baptizes you into holiness, you will completely turn away from the things of this world. One of the things that the Holy Spirit comes to set us free from is insecurity. If there is anything that will get you to be a performer instead of a reformer, it is undealt-with insecurity in your life. Insecurity will always make you feel like you must perform in order to impress people. The answer for insecurity is knowing who you are in God.

Performers are consumed by insecurity. Reformers are consumed by the raging fire of the Holy Ghost! A raging fire consumes everything that is dead in its pathway. A raging fire inside you will cause people to know there is something different about you. When God reshapes you with His raging fire, you become a reformer. Someone who brings reformation is someone who has been reformed by the presence of God.

Reformers can walk into a spiritually dry climate and change it completely. Reformers are often ridiculed, falsely accused and will encounter trials and tribulations. Reformers do not let these things stop them because they know they have an assignment from God for which they have been marked.

Reformers carry the transforming power of God. In Luke 8, Jesus goes to heal Jairus’ daughter. Luke 8:51-53 says, “When He came into the house, He permitted no one to go in except Peter, John and James, and the father and mother of the girl. All wept and mourned for her. But He said, “Do not weep. She is not dead but sleeping.’ They laughed at Him, knowing that she was dead.”

These people laughed at and ridiculed Jesus because they did not know the power of God that Jesus carried. The easiest way to kill something is to abort it before it ever has the chance to be born. Right before Jesus performs this incredible miracle, the enemy came to oppose Jesus and have these people mock Him. But Jesus never wavered. He assured them Jairus’ daughter was not dead. Jesus put all the unbelievers out of the room and ministered to this little girl. Then Luke 8:56 says, “Her parents were astonished, but He commanded them to tell no one what had happened.” Catch this revelation. Jesus came to heal Jairus’ little girl and reform her situation, not to perform. If Jesus had been there to perform, He would have encouraged all who were there to go and tell everyone they knew about what Jesus had just done. But Jesus didn’t. He came to reform, not perform.

God is raising up sons and daughters who are reformers, not performers. I challenge you: Are there areas in which you are performing instead of bringing reformation? As you allow God to continue to reshape you, you will become a reformer. Now is the time for many people to step out of the mentality of performance and into God’s acceptance for them. God is looking for those who will not settle for the religious status quo and instead reshape churches, cities, regions and nations in this hour. God is looking for reformers, not performers. {eoa}

Joe Joe Dawson is the president of Burn Texarkana Revival center and House of Prayer. Pastor Dawson also serves as staff evangelist for First Assembly of God in Texarkana, Texas, where he also is now the Tribe College/young adult pastor. Burn Texarkana has one revival/awakening service a month at First Assembly and also has Burn on the Road meetings in neighboring cites monthly. There are four Burn Texarkana prayer meetings each week, He also serves on the leadership team of New Breed Revivalists Network.

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