
God’s New ‘Media Centers’

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Julie Meyer

Julie Meyer
In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth. The earth was without form and void and darkness was on the face of the deep. And the Spirit of God was hovering over the face of the waters. –Genesis 1:1-2

I love this verse! One of the words that stands out to me is “hovering.” I picture the Spirit of God bursting with passion to create, almost as if He is pulsating like a heartbeat and ready. Suddenly, something new bursts forth.

This scripture grips me because I see the Spirit of God doing the same thing today. He is hovering; He is bursting with excitement to create again, to birth the “new” on the earth.

His heart is to topple the mountain of media, as we know it today. He is stirring His bride and the prayer movement in the earth in happy holiness and joyful righteousness so we will be a people wholly given to the Lord and to His purposes.

David says several times in the Psalms to “sing to the Lord a new song.” God is going to sing His song, write His scripts, paint His pictures and dance His dance through a bride who is lovesick, who is not in it for money or worldly fame but for the fame of His glorious name—a bride who is steadfast in the place of prayer.

I know this because of a dream I had. In it, the Ancient of Days was singing out a song about the “great invitation to the divine interruption in media.” The word “media” resounded from every direction like an echo.

I saw media springing up worldwide—and the prayer room will fuel it. God is going to have His way in every facet of media as long as people are driven by prayer and passion for Him. As their one thing continues to be passion for God and prayer, there will be no ceiling to block where this media will go.

I felt like God somehow transported me to the future. In the dream I was also sitting at a movie, and all around me people were crying. The Lord was literally pouring out the Spirit of wisdom and revelation, and people were getting saved at the movies.

In another part of the dream, I was in a bar and when the “new” song began to play, people who were drinking away their sorrows began to put down their drinks. They began to weep because of the anointing on the music. As the music played—like the anointing that was on David as he played his harp before Saul and drove out the evil spirits—the same ancient anointing filled the bar.

Salvation was being poured out during the new song. I could see it and feel it. When the new song was being played, there was a heavy weight of the presence of God even in the bar as people were giving their lives to the Lord right there. This is the effect the new music will have.

A shift and a flip are going to happen in the media, and it is God’s doing. For God is going to give the awards of the world to the righteous. There will be No. 1 hit songs that will come out of houses of prayer and God’s media centers. God is going to raise up something totally new. He wants to touch the ends of the earth through media and music.

I saw this shift happening. What worked yesterday will no longer work today. It will throw today’s media into a scramble because what is arising is something that cannot be copied or bought-because it is the anointing behind the media and the sound.

This will happen when lovesick worshipers are not moved by anything except passion for Jesus and intercession. This passion will lead their hearts straight into what is new in music, television, computer games, video games, all types of recordings, Broadway, art, dance and every single facet of media.

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