Steve Strang

  • Is This Real Revival?

  • Why the Silence?

    We need to make a bigger outcry. And we need to urge Jewish leaders to express their outrage.

  • Robert Walker’s Legacy

  • Intercede for Our Nation

    I'm calling the charismatic community to rise up, get involved and pray for our nation.

  • Bomb Shelters for Israel

    The shelters we provide will serve as a lasting testimony of Christian love.

  • Changing With the Times

    Each of us must change with the times and try to make a difference in the world.

  • A New Vision for 2008

    God wants to give Christians a new vision for getting involved in the political process.

  • Why I Support Huckabee

    Mike Huckabee is exactly what we need in the White House.

  • God’s Favor Factor

    When God's favor is flowing in my life, things happen that I can't do on my own.

  • Help Us in Africa

    I have prayed that God would open doors to publish in other nations.

  • Church Down Under

  • The Case for Huckabee

    The 2008 election may be one of the most important elections in American history.

  • Jerry Falwell’a Legacy

    If someone was a friend of Christ's, he was a friend of Jerry Falwell's.

  • Transforming the Inner Man

    Many people never learn that they must deny themselves, take up their cross and follow Christ.

  • The War on Terror

    If even 1 percent of the jihadists attacked us in America, they could turn our nation into a living hell.

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