Sarah Stegall

  • Oh, Now I Get It!

    Sometimes what seems to a parent like a clear explanation of a spiritual truth is not so clear to a child. When my son, Jeff, was around 4 years old, I overheard him and his friends discussing what happens when you die. They had trouble agreeing on what really happens until Jeff spoke up with…

  • Falling in Love with Jesus

    (PART 1) According to Jesus, the greatest commandment involves loving God. However, we cannot love God by ourselves. We learn to love by asking God to love through us.  

  • Behold His Glory

    (Part 1)We often cry out for God to send His glory among us. But how well do we understand what we're asking for? God's glory encompasses His holy character revealed in Jesus.READ Ex. 24:15-18; Ex. 33:18-23; Lev. 11:45; 2 Cor. 3:18; Col. 1:25-29; Heb. 1:1-3.

  • Healing for your Thoughts

    Unresolved emotional issues can lead to serious illness. Gain control of your thinking, and reclaim your health.When it comes to your health, your thoughts are key. The Bible tells us to fix our thoughts on what is true, honorable and right. We're told to meditate on those things that are pure, lovely and admirable (see…

  • Revival of the Heart

    All over the world, the Spirit is pouring out revival. New measures of glory expose our bitter roots and unclean hearts. Through repentance, we can be cleansed and set free.

  • Oh, Don’t Mind Us

    My daughter, Dana, whose baby was overdue, came over and tried to find a comfortable seat on the couch. As she shifted around, she complained, "This baby is just sitting in here eating and sleeping." Her 4-year-old son, Nathan, overheard her and asked, "Does she have a TV?"--Kayla Kirkland One afternoon, while shopping with my…

  • Money Does Matter

    A minister received a call from the Internal Revenue Service asking about a member of his church. "He stated on his income-tax return," said the official, "that he gave $3,000 last year to your church. Is that correct?" "I don't have the records here, and I would have to check on it. But I'll say…

  • Everybody Sing!

    My three sons predicted a worse end to those who oppose God than the one David prayed for in Psalm 68:1. One Sunday they changed the wording in the chorus of "Let God Arise" to "Let His enemies be splattered" instead of "scattered." Our congregation heartily approved the change. In fact, we've sung it that…

  • Jesus, Save Me!

    My pastor's first job after Bible college was that of associate pastor in a small church. One of his assignments was to visit shut-ins and new church members. Hoping to make a good impression and build rapport with those whom he visited, he applied some newly acquired word-association techniques to help in remembering his hosts'…

  • Will You Ride with Him?

    We know that Jesus Christ is the revelation of all God is. But our ability to activate the life of Christ within us determines the level of victory we experience. Author Anne Graham Lotz noted the powerful correlation between the way we view Christ the living Word and the way we approach the written Word…

  • “Oh, Brother!”

    One Sunday I overheard a friend's 5-year-old son talking with another little boy about the upcoming birth of my friend's new baby. The other boy asked, "What do you want, a brother or a sister?" "Oh, I want a brother," the 5-year-old replied.

  • Messengers from Glory

    The Scriptures include countless references to angels in both the Old and the New Testaments. This should convince us that God does not stand far off from His people when we need His intervention. Often, He sends angels to comfort, instruct and encourage us with a word, a song or a touch. Because we don't…

  • Move of the Spirit

    Two-year-old Nathan was talking on the telephone to his Aunt Peggy. With animated face and dramatics, he described his new ball, then ran to get it for her. Holding the ball up to the phone, Nathan asked, "See?" "No," she replied.

  • Isn’t Life Grand?

    Evidently, my 4-year-old daughter, Kaitlyn, was influenced by something she heard from my good-humored parents who had recently stayed with us. Shortly after their visit, I knocked on her door while she was changing clothes and asked if she needed help. "No, and don't look," she sighed, "'cause it's not a pretty sight." --Lynette Kittle…

  • Freedom in Christ

    Oppression in many different forms can attempt to overtake the life of the Christian. Whether it's sickness, emotional struggles or family concerns, at those times, the tendency is to search for a place of safety--a stronghold. However, finding security anywhere other than in a personal relationship with Jesus Christ will eventually lead to bondage. A…

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