James W. Goll

  • James Goll: What Promises Are You Believing God For?

    James Goll: What Promises Are You Believing God For?

    Faith matters. Faith is the constant, abiding trust in something. True faith is the constant, abiding trust in God Himself. By that we mean faith toward God, not faith in our feelings, our circumstances or other people, even leaders. True faith is in the present tense as distinguished from hope, which is future-oriented. Faith comes

  • Prophet: Why Everything Changes When God Draws Near

    Prophet: Why Everything Changes When God Draws Near

    When God draws near, everything changes! Your agenda changes. Your program changes. Your opinion changes. And most importantly, your heart changes. When God draws near, your hunger and quest for greater intimacy with God is forever changed. You desperately need God’s manifest presence. Do you desire His presence more than anything else is this life?

  • Prophet: How You Can Prepare for Your Personal God Encounters

    Prophet: How You Can Prepare for Your Personal God Encounters

    By the grace of God, my life has been filled with “God encounters”—God taking me to mountaintops, leading me through valleys and walking with me in the small moments, every step of every day. Really? Yes, and you can live a life filled with personal God encounters too. Just think about the experience of the

  • How You Can Position Yourself to Receive Spiritual Gifts

    How You Can Position Yourself to Receive Spiritual Gifts

    Since the beginning of time, the Holy Spirit has been looking for people through whom He can manifest Himself. At the time of the creation, He “hovered” like a hen over her baby chicks (see Gen. 1:2). After the Exodus, Moses said, “Oh, that all the people of the Lord were prophets” (Num. 11:29b). The

  • James Goll: God Has Secrets He Wants to Share

    James Goll: God Has Secrets He Wants to Share

    God has secrets He wants to share! Really? Yes, secrets are waiting to be revealed. Amos 3:7 tells us, “Surely the Lord God does nothing without revealing His purpose to His servants the prophets.” Some would have us believe this should read, “God does nothing” as far as the supernatural goes and especially concerning the

  • Prophet: Why Hope Restores in Every Situation

    Prophet: Why Hope Restores in Every Situation

    Every one of us goes through dark valleys and troubled times. But in Christ Jesus we have hope. And hope restores in every situation—no matter how dark it may seem. To say the last year has been challenging would be an understatement for most of the world. On a national level, almost everyone has experienced

  • Prophet: No Matter What Comes, Remember This Unquestionable Truth

    Prophet: No Matter What Comes, Remember This Unquestionable Truth

    Have you ever felt like things were so difficult in your life that “no one cared” about what you were going through? I have. But the truth is, you always have an advocate—because God C.A.R.E.S.! You are never alone. And at His very core—God is good! Keep your eyes fixed on Jesus! Regardless of the

  • James Goll: 3 Vital Principles for Understanding the Prophetic

    James Goll: 3 Vital Principles for Understanding the Prophetic

    Early in the modern prophetic movement in 1988, I remember learning the importance of the three-stage process of properly handling revelation. These three basic but essential principles each build upon one another: (1) revelation; (2) interpretation and (3) proper application. Without discovering that framework, we might have continued to take every word literally, never realizing

  • Why You Must Take Part in This Mighty Convergence of Prayer

    Why You Must Take Part in This Mighty Convergence of Prayer

    The Holy Spirit is divinely orchestrating a symphony of prayer and worship in these days. God’s desire is that every section of His Prayer Band be in tune with Him while in tune with one another as well. The Word of God is our score as we each follow the lead of our conductor, the

  • Prophet: 15 Keys to Interpreting Your Dreams

    Prophet: 15 Keys to Interpreting Your Dreams

    Walking in the prophetic language of dreams is a form of tapping into the mind and heart of God and can be an exciting and exhilarating journey. But understanding and interpreting your dreams and other revelatory spiritual encounters can often be a complex and even confusing process. I encourage you above all else to keep

  • 3 Prophecies: Supreme Court, Extreme Polarity, Conflict of Thrones

    3 Prophecies: Supreme Court, Extreme Polarity, Conflict of Thrones

    There are three significant prophetic words I have received in the past several years which are now entering their fulfillment: 1. Deepening Polarization, 2. Open Conflict of Thrones, and 3. Third Supreme Court Appointee. Though the ways and means by which I release prophetic utterances can vary, I felt it was important to bring these

  • James Goll: 7 Relevant Points for Receiving Pure Revelation

    James Goll: 7 Relevant Points for Receiving Pure Revelation

    God wants to reveal His heart to you. He wants to speak to you specifically about your life. As you create space and time for Him to speak to you, He will also reveal things regarding your church, city, nation and other things on His heart. Sometimes you are just to be an intercessor, and

  • How You Can Release Prophetic Anointing at any Time

    How You Can Release Prophetic Anointing at any Time

    Today the Holy Spirit in all His fullness is being sent forth into the entire world as believers who are filled with His Spirit release His prophetic anointing, bringing impact and influence everywhere they go. Jesus dispatched His disciples to “go therefore and make disciples of all nations” (Matt. 28:19a) carrying the light of the

  • James Goll: 8 Common People Who Appear in Your Dreams

    James Goll: 8 Common People Who Appear in Your Dreams

    These are very important days for the body of Christ and for the nations of the earth. In such times, the Lord often pours out revelation in the form of dreams. It is vital that we learn to interpret these dream encounters accurately so that we can discern what the Lord is saying to us

  • 6 Effective Ways to Exercise Your God-Given Authority Over Demons

    6 Effective Ways to Exercise Your God-Given Authority Over Demons

    Jesus had authority over demons. Wherever Jesus went, crowds gathered. Demoniacs were often healed in those crowds. In some cases, the demons became disruptive (see Mark 3:10-11 and Luke 4:41; see also Acts 8:7, where demons shrieked in Philip’s large meetings as they were driven out of people). Most of the time, Jesus commanded the

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