J. Lee Grady

  • Code Red Alert

  • No More Strutting

  • Something Stinks

  • Religious or Relevant?

  • Why Healing Should Be Found Within the Church

    Why Healing Should Be Found Within the Church

    Years ago a distraught pastor in Florida got in his car in the church parking lot and put a gun to his head. He had been trapped for months in a cycle of sex addiction that involved pornography, massage parlors and encounters with prostitutes. The weight of guilt he carried got so heavy that he

  • Marvin Gorman Enjoys Restored Ministry After Swaggart Debacle

    The New Orleans minister, disgraced by a 1986 scandal, has put the past behind him to focus on healing his city

  • Pentecostals Stage 50-Hour Vigil in Atlanta to End Racial Divisions

    Blacks and whites from dozens of denominations met in March to remove stubborn obstacles to unity

  • The Line Is Drawn

  • China: Hiding From the Dragon

    Imprisonment and torture have not stopped Christianity in China. Thanks to cellphones, missionary zeal and New Testament-style miracles, evangelists are spreading the gospel faster than anyone can calculate. Just days after the Tienanmen Square massacre in Beijing in 1989, Sister Peng* was delivering a small shipment of freshly printed Bibles to unregistered church leaders when

  • Get Off the Floor

  • To the Outer Limits

  • The Working Woman’s Dilemma

    Even today, some church leaders tell Christian women that God wants them to stay at home. But what does the Bible really say?In the small town of Berryville, in northwest Arkansas, members of the board at First Baptist Church voted in February 1997 to close their church-run day-care center. They made the abrupt decision not…

  • An Abnormal Gospel

  • Cause for Alarm

  • Called to Conquer

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