J. Lee Grady

  • What Is God Saying to Us Through the Asbury Revival?

    What Is God Saying to Us Through the Asbury Revival?

    There was nothing unusual about the 10 a.m. chapel service held at Asbury University on Wednesday, Feb. 8. Guest speaker Zach Meerkreebs shared a message from Romans 12 about demonstrating God’s love, and the last thing he said in his closing prayer was, “Revive us by Your love.” Whoever was videotaping the service stopped recording.

  • The Night Satan Showed Up at the Grammys

    The Night Satan Showed Up at the Grammys

    I wasn’t watching the Grammy Awards last Sunday night, but I couldn’t help but hear all the fuss about the controversial performance by artists Sam Smith and Kim Petros. Some people seemed surprised that their song “Unholy”—which is about a husband who cheats on his wife—won a Grammy for Best Pop Duo/Group Performance. It’s no

  • Get Ready, the Next Revival Will Be Very Messy

    Get Ready, the Next Revival Will Be Very Messy

    Many Christians pray for spiritual awakening, and that’s good. But I wonder if we realize how disruptive revival will be when it hits us like a tsunami. If you read accounts of previous revivals, three things become obvious: (1) revival requires a lot of work; (2) it’s always chaotic; and (3) it offends religious people.

  • Deliver Us from the Spirit of Lawlessness

    Deliver Us from the Spirit of Lawlessness

    Read Time: 4 minutes 36 seconds If you type in the words “Walmart brawl” or “Waffle House fight” on YouTube, you’ll find hundreds of videos of bizarre altercations between angry customers. They are throwing punches, hurling expletives, kicking each other, pulling hair and even brandishing weapons, near checkout stands or next to hot ovens. You’ll

  • 6 Reasons Christians Are Afraid of the Holy Spirit

    6 Reasons Christians Are Afraid of the Holy Spirit

    Read Time: 4 Minutes 25 Seconds When I was filled with the Holy Spirit many years ago, I knew my Southern Baptist mother probably wouldn’t be happy about my Pentecostal experience. She and I shared the same core beliefs in Jesus and salvation, or course. But I knew that some Christian denominations don’t encourage believers

  • I Wish Religious Critics Would Stop Bashing “The Chosen”

    I Wish Religious Critics Would Stop Bashing “The Chosen”

    Read time: 4 minutes 18 seconds I’m not a big TV fan. I’ve never watched “Game of Thrones” or “Stranger Things.” Last year when I looked at the list of 2022 Emmy Award winners, I realized I’d never seen any of the nominated shows. Aside from reruns of “Everybody Loves Raymond” (I own every episode),

  • Do You Need a Word from God for 2023?

    Do You Need a Word from God for 2023?

    Read Time: 3 Minutes 40 Seconds At the beginning of every year, I always spend time in fasting and prayer to seek God for direction. In most cases, He gives me a word that helps me navigate the coming season. Sometimes the word has been as simple as, “Keep running your race,” a reference to

  • Answer These Questions as You Plan for the New Year

    Answer These Questions as You Plan for the New Year

    One of the deepest truths of Christianity is that our lives are not our own. If you are a believer, your life belongs to Jesus. He is Lord, and you aren’t. Romans 12:1-2 instructs us to present our bodies daily as “a living and a holy sacrifice,” which means we give Him full ownership of

  • Christmas Was the Ultimate Spiritual Breakthrough

    Christmas Was the Ultimate Spiritual Breakthrough

    Read Time: 3 Minutes 41 Seconds Have you ever prayed for something for a really long time, with no evidence of an answer? George Mueller, a British man who fed hundreds of orphans in the 1800s, prayed every day for the salvation of five men. The first man was converted after 18 months, and the

  • Jamal Bryant, the ‘Pro-Choice Pastor,’ Should Sit Down

    Jamal Bryant, the ‘Pro-Choice Pastor,’ Should Sit Down

    Read Time: 3 Minutes 34 Seconds You probably already heard that Rev. Jamal Bryant, pastor of 10,000-member New Birth Missionary Baptist Church in Atlanta, defended abortion from his pulpit last summer after the U.S. Supreme Court overturned the Roe v. Wade decision. Bryant said on June 26—ironically during a baby dedication at the mega-church—that the

  • Shining the Light of Jesus in Hollywood’s Darkness

    Shining the Light of Jesus in Hollywood’s Darkness

    Read Time: 3 Minutes 37 Seconds Most made-for-TV Christmas movies are like eggnog and sugar cookies—way too sweet, yet extremely addictive for a lot of viewers. But these Hallmark-style movies—the ones with predictable love stories that always end with jingling bells and a happy wedding—have suddenly become divisive in our polarized culture. At the heart

  • I Never Thought I’d Have to Say This: Jesus Was Not Trans

    I Never Thought I’d Have to Say This: Jesus Was Not Trans

    Read Time: 3 Minutes 27 Seconds You may have heard about the controversy that erupted in Cambridge, England, this past Sunday at Trinity College. The preacher, Joshua Heath, a junior research fellow who has a Ph.D. in theology, offered a sermon in which he suggested that Jesus Christ might have had what he called a

  • Don’t Let Ungratefulness Turn You Into a Spoiled American

    Don’t Let Ungratefulness Turn You Into a Spoiled American

    My frequent trips to developing nations always help me adjust my attitude. Just when I start to feel spoiled and entitled, I meet people from places like Congo, India and Honduras—and I realize just how blessed I am. This happened to me again last week during a trip to El Salvador. On Friday I listened

  • Don’t Say You Love God If You Don’t Love People

    Don’t Say You Love God If You Don’t Love People

    Read Time: 3 Minutes 29 Seconds Everywhere I go I hear Christians bashing the church and complaining that they can’t attend a certain local fellowship. We’ve become experts at nitpicking. We are quick to judge and condemn. Church dropouts today have a long list of reasons why they can’t worship with other Christians: “I don’t

  • ‘Deliver Us from Evil’: A Prayer for America

    ‘Deliver Us from Evil’: A Prayer for America

    Read Time: 3 Minutes 52 Seconds Politicians on both sides of the spectrum are guilty of twisting words to manipulate the national conversation. We saw this during the recent mid-term election campaigns. Words have been weaponized to smear those who disagree with certain positions. For example, “democracy,” “fascist,” “tolerant,” “inclusive,” “science denier,” “racist,” “homophobe” and

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